Einkaneysla 1957-1987 - 01.12.1989, Blaðsíða 168
Viðauki 3, framh. Consepts used in tables 1.16-1.17.
Vindlar Cigars
Vindlingar Cigarettes
Reyktóbak Smoking tobacco
Neftóbak Snuff
Munntóbak Chewing tobacco
Mille One thousand pieces Consepts used in tables 2.1-2.8.
Matur, drykkjarvara og tóbak Food, beverages and tobacco
Matur Food
Kornvörur og brauð Bread and cereals
Kjöt og kjötvörur Meat
Fiskur og fiskmeti Fish
Mjólk, ostur og egg Milk, cheese and eggs
Olía og feitmeti Oils and fats
Ávextir og grænmeti Fruits and vegetables other than potatoes and similar tubers
Kartöflur og rótarávextir Potatoes, manoic and other tubers
Sykur Sugar
Kaffi, te og kakó Coffee, tea and cocoa
Ýmis matvæli Other foods, including preserves and confecti- onery
Frádráttur frá matvælum Food included in other tables
Óáfengir drykkir Non-alcoholic beverages
Ávaxtasafi og sykurvatn Fruit juce and artificial fruit juce
Ö1 og gosdrykkir Malt, non alcoholic beer, mineral water, soft drinks and soda
Áfengir drykkir Alcoholic beverages
Tóbak Tobacco
Fatnaður Clothing and footwear
Fatnaður, annar en skófatnaður Clothing, other than footwear, including repairs
Tilbúinn fatnaður Ready-to-wear clothing
Fataefni Clothing materials
Saumalaun Sewing service
Skófatnaður Footwear
Skóviðgerðir Repairs to footwear
Húsnæði, ljós og hiti Gross rent, fuel and power
Reiknuð húsaleiga Imputed gross rent
Ljós og hiti Fuel and power
Rafmagn til hitunar Electricity for heating
Rafmagn til ljósa o.fl. Electricity for domestic use
Olía til hitunar, kol og koks Oil heating and coal
Hitaveita Geothermal heating
Húsgögn, húsbúnaður, Furniture, furnishings, and
heimilishald og heimilistæki household equipment and operation
Húsgögn Furniture, fixtures
Viðgerðir húsgagna Repairs to furniture and fixtures
Teppi Carpets
Vefnaðarvara Household textiles