

Læknablaðið - 15.02.2000, Page 14

Læknablaðið - 15.02.2000, Page 14
FRÆÐIGREINAR / FARALDSFRÆÐI skipta máli að neyta lítils salts og nota matarolíu í stað smjörs en meðal minna menntaðra (tafla II). I síðarnefnda tilfellinu var marktækur munur á milli hópa 2 og 3 annars vegar og hóps 4 hins vegar en annað var ekki marktækt. Mat á alvarleika einkenna: Spurt var: „Hversu alvarleg telur þú eftirtalin einkenni vera?“ Á eftir fylgdi listi yfir átta sjúkdómseinkenni. Greinilegt var af svörum fólks og athugasemdum á spássíu að margir töldu að verið væri að spyrja um þau ein- Table II. Study results. Educational groups 1, 2 and 3 compared with group 4. Trend coefficient and p-value calculated with logistic regression. Whereas a lower group number indicates a higher educational level, positive retationship gives a negative coefficient. Group n (%) O.R. 95% C.l. Trend Coeff. p-value How important for your health do i 79 (96.2) 3.38 0.86-13.28 -0.40 0.08 you consider restricting salt 2 79 (94.9) 2.50 0.72-8.70 consumption (a little important 3 77 (96.1) 3.29 0.84-12.94 or more) 4 68 (88.2) 1.00 How important for your health do 1 75 (81.3) 1.66 0.76-3.63 -0.20 0.15 you consider using cooking oil 2 79 (89.9) 3.37** 1.37-8.31 instead of butter (a little 3 76 (86.8) 2.51* 1.07-5.86 important or more) 4 69 (72.5) 1.00 Are you skilled in using Basic 1 76 (29.0) 2.44* 1.06-5.62 -0.26 0.05 Life Support? 2 81 (17.3) 1.25 0.52-3.03 3 70 (20.0) 1.50 0.62-3.65 4 70 (15.7) 1.00 Are you in a personal contact 1 76 (86.8) 6.00*** 2.62-13.74 -0.65 <0.001 with a doctor? 2 79 (82.3) 4.22*** 1.97-9.03 3 70 (62.9) 1.54 0.77-3.07 4 63 (52.4) 1.00 Are you in a personal contact 1 70 (75.7) 3.78*** 1.80-7.94 -0.47 <0.001 with a nurse? 2 73 (72.6) 3.22** 1.57-6.59 3 65 (58.5) 1.71 0.85-3.45 4 62 (45.2) 1.00 Have you for the past year re- 1 73 (69.9) 2.24* 1.08-4.62 -0.21 0.06 ceived advice concerning health 2 77 (55.8) 1.22 0.61-2.44 ' or treatment for disease from a 3 67 (61.2) 1.52 0.74-3.13 doctor/nurse, with whom you 4 55 (50.9) 1.00 are in personal contact? Do you have a general 1 79 (91.1) 0.14 0.02-1.19 +0.70 <0.05 practician? 2 80 (98.8) 1.10 0.07-17.87 3 75 (97.3) 0.51 0.05-5.72 4 73 (98.6) 1.00 Do you meet with him/her on re- 1 70 (60.0) 0.55 0.27-1.12 +0.27 <0.05 gular basis (at least once a 2 79 (63.3) 0.63 0.31-1.27 year)? 3 73 (79.5) 1.41 0.65-3.06 4 71 (73.2) 1.00 Do you have a doctor, other than 1 79 (68.4) 1.41 0.72-2.75 -0.13 0.24 a general practician, whom you 2 79 (64.6) 1.19 0.61-2.30 meet on regular basis (at least 3 76 (59.2) 0.95 0.49-1.83 once a year)? 4 71 (60.6) 1.00 How accessible/inaccessible do 1 73 (89.0) 2.22 0.87-5.62 -0.33 <0.05 you find the health care system? 2 79 (89.9) 2.42 0.96-6.12 (Rather or very accessible) 3 78 (79.5) 1.06 0.48-2.33 4 70 (78.6) 1.00 n = number of respondants. % = percentage of responants who replied positive. O.R. = odds ratio. C.l. = confidence interval. * p<0.05; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001 Group 1: university, approximately 14 years of education or more. Group 2: secondary school, approximately 13 years of education. Group 3: intermediate school, approximately nine years of education. Group 4: primary school or less, approximately six years of education or less. 94 Læknablaðið 2000/86



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