Bókasafnið - 01.06.2014, Page 93
Bókasafnið 38. árg. 2014
You will need the support of your manager
and your colleagues to make the best use of the
course work. If you enrol on the course there is
no timelimit to your use of it. Your area of the
site is always available to you. You can take the
time you need, when you need it and your
mentor will always respond within a very short
time. Once you have finished, you can go back
at any time to revisit a topic or a project, to try out
a different option you didn’t have time for. You
will be a member of the interActive group for as
long as you wish to participate.
Every graduate who has finished the course
says that they have found it very useful and
many have found it inspiring. Below are comm
ents from two early graduates, both of whom are
now mentoring further learners in their own li
brary services.
This article outlines the advantages of delivering train
ing for library staff online and evidences the impact of
Opening the Book’s online courses on library practice. It
looks at why libraries need to change and how to help li
brary staff move from responsive provision to taking a
more active role in reader engagement. The content and
approach of the interActive course are discussed in detail,
“I found the mentor feedback hugely useful someone
else looking at what you were doing with an objective
eye and giving encouragement and ideas for extending
what I'd done. There are so many great ideas that I
want to take forward and pass on it’s very motivation
al and hugely enjoyable.”
Jennifer Stewart, Service Development Librarian,
Fife Libraries, Scotland.
“This course is about people. It's about people
communicating their reading experiences, yes, but
fundamentally it's about people connecting with
each other. InterActive gives you a range of tools
and skills to facilitate connectedness and you're
not limited to age, ethnicity, education, socio
economics or any other separating factor. It is per
haps the most empowering course I have ever
done. Do it. It is vital.”
Suzanne Verrall, Customer Services Officer,
Adelaide City Council Libraries, Australia.