
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Jökull - 01.12.1984, Qupperneq 46

Jökull - 01.12.1984, Qupperneq 46
Geothermal water from high temperature areas in Iceland normally contains less than 0.1 mg/kg of iron. Exceptions are highly saline waters as on the Reykjanes peninsula (2-3 mg/kg) and waters strongly influenced (acidified) by vol- canic activity like in the Krafla geothermal area. During volcanic activity in Krafla very high con- centrations of dissolved iron (up to 60 mg/kg) were observed in well discharges. Precipitation of iron silicates and sulphides or oxides was observed, either within the wells or in surface pipes (Kristmannsdóttir 1984). The normal con- centration is only a fraction of those values, i.e. 0.1 mg/kg. In water from Reykjanes the con- centration is up to 0.5 mg/kg. We suggest the following explanation of the iron concentration in the water from the jökul- hlaup in 1983. Very acid water has leached iron either from formation rocks or basaltic glass on the lake floor. The high acidity must have been caused by input of acid magmatic gases to the geothermal water. Ferrous iron may remain in solution as long as the water is reducing and the pH is low. High acidity is more likely to remain within the formation rock than on the lake floor where mixing occurs with meltwater. Precipita- tion of iron is expected due to reactions during storing and oxidation in the lake and the magma- tic effects will be masked out. Oxygen in the freshwater will cause oxidation of H2S to sul- phate and ferrous iron to ferric iron. We do not know the time scale for this process. PREMATURE TRIGGERING OF JÖKULHLAUPS In general, jökulhlaups from Grímsvötn occur when the water has risen up to a critical level and a pressure barrier has been eliminated. Then water from Grímsvötn escapes beneath the ice east of the lake, 1-2 km to the north of the roots of Grímsfjall. This was discussed by Björnsson (1974) and seems to have applied to the trigger- ing of jökulhlaups in 1976 and 1982. The triggering of the jökulhlaup in 1983. The jökulhlaup in December 1983 occurred at a water level 20-30 m below the critical level for triggering jökulhlaups (Fig.3). Therefore, water was not able to penetrate out from the bottom of the lake. We suggest that this jökulhlaup was triggered by the opening of waterways along the slopes of Grímsfjall where the collapsed ice caul- dron was observed northeast of Grídarhorn (see Figs. 2 and 4). There increased geothermal or volcanic activity had melted ice in places and for two months meltwater with a sulphurous odour had drained from this area down to Skeidarár- sandur. Finally, this melting managed to open the channels into the lake and the jökulhlaup started. The leakage out of the lake took place at the slopes of the mountain where the water pressure was far from being high enough to open subgla- cial waterways. This may also explain why the surface of the lake did not fall down to the same level as is usual for jökulhlaups that are triggered at the critical water level. The small jökulhlaups in 1939, 1941, 1945 and 1948 may all have been triggered through open- ing of waterways by melting of ice when geoth- ermal activity increased at the northeastern slopes of Grímsfjall. These jökulhlaups are exceptions to the rule that the odour of hydrogen sulphide on Skeidarársandur is detected only a few days before the water discharge increases. (Thorarinsson 1974, Ragnar Stefánsson, pers. comm.). In 1941 the beginning of a jökulhlaup was noticed in early April but the main flood was in mid-May. In 1945 the jökulhlaup was at max- imum in late September but geothermal odour was first noticed in June. The jökulhlaup in 1948 peaked in late February but the sulphurous odour had been perceptible since early January. In addition to this, we may add that the explor- ers of Grímsvötn in the fifties seem to have believed that the outlet from Grímsvötn was along the eastern slopes of Grímsfjall. There they described a trench in the glacier surface that has not been observed in recent years (information from Sigurdur Thorarinsson’s diaries, kindly pro- vided by his son Sven Th. Sigurdsson 1983). Increased thermal activity, frequency and volume of jökulhlaups. The effect of increased geothermal or volcanic activity on the frequency and volume of jökul- hlaups from Grímsvötn is an important problem. Subglacial melting at the threshold east of the lake may open waterways into the lake and trig- ger jökulhlaups. If this takes place on the slopes of Grímsfjall, the occurrence of a jökulhlaup is hastened. Such a triggering mechanism might increase the frequency of jökulhlaups and reduce their volume. Volcanic activity at the threshold east of the lake may trigger jökulhlaups whose 44 JÖKULL 34. ÁR
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