

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1969, Síða 20

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1969, Síða 20
66 N ÁT T Ú RU F RÆ ÐINGURINN sylvaticum (Brid.) B. S. G. in Boluny of Iceland are according to the author’s opinion based on specimens b.elonging to P. denticulatum and P. succulentum. The record of Pseadoleslteella catenulata (Brid.) Kindb. in Botany of Iceland is based on a specimen which is considered to be better referred to Leskeella nervosa (Brid.) Loeske. Psilopilum cavifolium (Wils.) Hag. is recorded froni North Iceland. Rhodobryum roseuni (Hedw.) Limpr. is recorded from West Iceland. Rhynchostegium conjertum (Dicks.) B. S. G. is recorded from Soutli Iceland. Scaþania gymnostomophila Kaal. is recorded from South Iceland. Seligeria brevifolia (Lindb.) Lindb. is recorded from South-west Iceland. Sphagnum magellanicum Brid. is recorded to have been found in soutliwestern Iceland. Tritomaria scitula (Tayl.) Joerg. is recorded from the central high- land. Zygodon viridissimus (Dicks.) Brid. has been found in several localities in South Iceland and in one locality in North-west Iceland. HEIMILDARIT Andrews, A. LeRoy. 1915. Odontoschisma Macounii in Iceland. Tlie Bryo- logist 18: 51-52. — 1916. Bryological Notes II. Two rnosses new to Iceland. Torreya 16: 47-49. — 1917. Bryological Notes III. Further mosses new to Iceland. Torreya 17: 60-62. — 1923. Additions to the bryophyte flora of Iceland. The Bryologist 26: 4. — 1949. Radula Lindbergiana in Iceland. The Bryologist 52: 212. Caroll, I. 1867. On some plants observed in Iceland in June 1861. four. Bot. 5: 107-110. Gliemann, T. 1824. Geographischc Beschreibung von Island. Altona. Grönlund, C. 1873. Bidrag til Oplysning om Islands Flora. 2. Hepaticæ og Musci. Bot. Tidsskr. 7: 1—26. — 1881. Islands Flora, indeholdende en Beskrivelse af Blomsterplanterne og de höjere blomsterlöse Planter, samt en Fortegnelse over de lavere l’lanter. Kjöbenhavn. — 1885. Afsluttende Bidrag til Oplysning om Islands Flora. 1. Musci, Hepaticæ. Bot. Tidsskr. 14: 159—194. — ] 896. Tillæg til Islands Kryptogamflora, indeholdende Lichenes, Hepaticæ og Musci. Bot. Tidsskr. 20: 90—115. Hallgrimsson, Helgi. 1966. Sjaldgæfar mosategundir. Flóra 4: 103—104. Hesselbo, A. 1918. The Bryophyta of Iceland. Bot. Icel. 1: 395—677. Hooker, W. ./. 1813. Journal of a tour in Iceland, in the summer 1809. London. Jóhannsson, Bergþór. 1961. Um sjaldgæfa íslenzka lifrarmosa. Náttúrufr. 31: 28-33. — 1963. Þrír ættbálkar mosa. Náttúrufr. 32: 145—154. — 1968. íslenzk mosategundaskrá. Flóra 6: 13—18. Jones, E. W. 1946. Notes on the bryophyte flora of Grímsey and other parts of North Iceland. The Bryologist 49: 14—29.
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