
Menntamál - 01.02.1972, Side 48

Menntamál - 01.02.1972, Side 48
um það, hvort hlítarnám á eftir að hasla sér völl sem kennsluaðferð, er leiði af sér annað og meira en hentuga prófaðferð fyrir námsskrárgerð. Ef vonir Blooms um að þetta kennsluform sé varða á veginum til bættrar geðheilsu nemenda og já- kvæðara viðhorfs til skólastarfsins eiga eftir að rætast, er hlítarnám vissulega þess virði, að því sé gaumur gefinn. HEIMILDARRIT Airasian, P. W.: „The Use of Hierarchies in the Ana- lysis and Planning of Chemistry Instruction.1' Sci- ence Education, 54, No. I (1970), 91—95. Block, J. H.: Mastery Learning. New York, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1971. Bloom, B. S.: „Learning lor Mastery". UCLA-CSEIP Evaluation Comment, 1, No. 2 (1968). Bloom, B. S„ J. l’. Hastings and G. Madaus: Hand- book of Forrnative and Summative Evaluation of Student Learning. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1971. Carroll, J. B.: „Problems of Measurement Related to the Concept of Learning for Mastery". Eclucational Horizons, 48, No. 3 (1970), 71-80. Cronbach, L. J.: „Course Improvement through Evaluation". Teachers College Record, 64 (1963), 672-683. Gronlund, N. E.: Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching. New York, The Macmillan Co„ 1968. Harris, C. W.: „Some Issues in Evaluation". The Speech Teacher, 1963, No. 12, bls. 191, 199. Husk, T. R.: „Different Kinds of Evaluation and tlicir Implications for Test Development". IJCI.A Evaluation Comment, 2, No. 1 (1969), 8. Kim, H.: „Mastery Learning in the Middle School". KIRBS, RB-70-6 (Nov. 1970), 29-44. Scrieven, M.: „The Methodology of Evaluation". AERA Monograph Series on Curriculum Evalua- tion, No. 1 (1967), 39-83. Stake, R.: „Comments on Professor Glaser’s Paper." í M. C. Wittrock and D. E. Wiley, The Evalua- tion of Instruction: Issues and Problerns, New York, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1970, bls. 86—91. Taba, H.: Curriculum Development. New York, Har- court Brace, 1962. Tyler, R. W.: Basic Principles of Curriculurn and Instruction. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1949. MENNTAMAL 42



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