Árbók Háskóla Íslands - 01.01.1991, Blaðsíða 391
Raunvísindadeild og fræðasvið hennar
Mechanism of vibrational relaxation and inter-
system crossing within excited ion-pair states of
12, studied by ArF / 193 excimer laser induced
fluorescence. (2) Svava Ósk Jónsdóttir og (3)
Þorgeir E. Þorgeirsson, meðhöf. (Conference on
lasers in chemistry, Trieste, Ítalíu, 11.—15. júní
1990). Veggspjald.
Direct ion-pair formation (X++Y") in the photo-
dissociation of halogen and interhalogen mole-
cules near the first ionisation limit. D.K. Kela,
A.J. Yencha, R.J. Donovan, meðhöf. (llth
Intemational conference on gas kinetic, Assisi,
Ítalíu, 2.—7. sept. 1990).
Jónun með hringhraðalgeislun. (5. ráðstefna
Eðlisfræðifélags íslands, Munaðamesi, 28.—
30. sept. 1990).
Lífefni í matvælaiðnaði: framleiðsla aukefna og
annarra lífefna með aðferðum erfðatækni.
(Námsstefna Endurmenntunamefndar Háskóla
Islands um líftæknilegar nýjungar í matvæla- og
efnaiðnaði, 1989).
Rannsóknir á Raunvísindastofnun Háskólans á
sviði matvælafræði og iíftækni. (Fundur á
vegum Nordisk Industrifond, Reykjavík, 1989).
c-CNA cloning of the cod trypsins gene. (Uni-
versity of Califomia, San Francisco, Depart-
ment of pharmaceutical chemistry, 1990).
Isolation of bacteriocin producing Lactic acid
bacteria from fish waste. (Fundur NI um
„biopreservation by Lactic bacteria“, Oslo, okt.
c-DNA „klónun“ gens fyrir þorskatrypsín.
(Ráðstefna Líffræðifélags íslands um
sameindaerfðafræði, Reykjavík, 17. nóv. 1990).
Sjá ritaskrá.
Laser desorption/FTMS of polymers and
biopolymers. (1) D.A. Weil, (3) R.R. Wellerog
(4) J.E, Campana, meðhöf. (American Society
for Mass Spectrometry, workshop on mechan-
isms in desporption ionization mass
spectrometry, Florida, 23.—26. jan. 1989).
Nýjungar í massagreiningu : laser desorption
Fourier transform massagreining peptíða,
fjölsykra og pólýmera. (Málstofa efnafræði-
skorar Háskóla íslands, febr. 1989).
LDI-FT-ICR : a new technique for studying
oligosaccharides. (1) M.B. Comisarow, (2)
G.G.S. Dutton, (3) Z. Lam og (5) D.A. Weil,
meðhöf. (Royal Society of Chemistry,
carbohydrate discussion group meeting, Cran-
field, mars 1989).
Laser desorption Fourier transform mass spectro-
metry of polymers and biopolymers. (1) J.E.
Campana, (2) D.A. Weil og (3) R.R. Weller,
meðhöf. (Pittsburgh conference on analytical
chemistry, Atlanta, 6.—10. mars 1989).
Laser desorption fourier transform mass spectro-
metry : a study of variables affecting perform-
ance. (1) D.A. Weil, (2) R.R. Weller og (4) J.E.
Campana, meðhöf. (II iNtemational conference
on mass spectrometry of large molecules,
French and Swiss societies of mass spectro-
metry, Lausanne, 15.—17. mars 1989).
Gas-phase reactions of first-row transition metal
ions (Sc+ -Zn+) with phenyl halides. (37th
ASMS conference on mass spectrometry and
allied topics, Miami, 21.—26. maí 1989).
LD/FTMS : a study of varables affecting
performance. (1) D.A. Weil, (2) J.E. Campana
og (3) J.E. Weller, meðhöf. (37th ASMS con-
ference on mass spectrometry and allied topics,
Miami, 21.—26. maí 1989).
LDI-FT-ICR mass spectrometry of oligo-
saccharides. (2) M.B. Comisarow, (3) G.G.S.
Dutton, (4) Z. Lam og (5) D.A. Weil, meðhöf.
(37th ASMS conference on mass spectrometry
and allied topics, Miami, 21.—26. maí 1989).
Characterization of biologically important
oiligosaccharides by LDI-FT-ICR. (1) M.B.
Comisarow, (2) G.G.S. Dutton, (3) Z. Lam og
(5) D.A. Well, meðhöf. (72nd Canadian Society
of Chemistrv conference, Victoria, Kanada, iúní
Mass spectrometric analysis of oligosaccharides
by LDI-FT-ICR. (1) Z. Lam, (2) M.B.
Comisarow, (3) G.G.S. Dutton og (5) D.A.
Weil, meðhöf. (2nd Intemational symposium on
mass spectrometry in the health and life
sciences, San Fransisco, ágúst 1989).
FTMS studies of uranium (IV) Poly(pyrazol-l-
yl) borate complexes. (2) N. Marques, (3) A.P.
de Matos og (4) D.A. Weil, meðhöf. (Pittsburgh
conference on analytical chemistry, Atlanta,
mars 1990).
Gas-phase reactions of transition-metal ions with
aromatic compounds. (38th ASMS conference
on mass spectrometry and allied topics, Tuscon,
Arizona, júní 1990).