Árbók Háskóla Íslands - 01.01.1991, Blaðsíða 416
Árbók Háskóla íslands
Hagsæld í húfi : greinar um stjóm fiskveiða. Öm
D. Jónsson, meðritstj. Rv.: Háskólaútgáfan :
Sjávarútvegsstofnun Háskólans; 1990. 144 s.
Distribution and abundance of cetaceans in
lcelandic and adjacent waters during sightings
suireys July-August 1989. Jóhann Sigurjóns-
son, meðhöf. Rv.: Hafrannsóknastofnun; 1990.
26 s.
NASS-87 : estimation of whale abundance based
on observations made on board Icelandic and
Faroese survey vessels. Jóhann Sigurjónsson,
meðhöf. 1: Fortieth report of the International
Whaling Commission. [S.I.: s.n.]; 1990: 571—
A note on earplug readings from fin whales
caught off Iceland, in particular, the use of
photographs. Atli Konráðsson, meðhöf. í:
Fortieth report of the International Whaling
Commission. [S.I.: s.n.]; 1990: 375—378.
A note on the problem of false positives in the
use on Natural marking data for abundance
estimation. í: Report of the International
Whaling Commission. Cambridge; 1990: 143—
Recent trends in abundance of blue (Balaenoptera
musculus) and humpback whales (Megaptera
novaeangliae) oíf West and Southwest Iceland,
with a note on occurrence of other cetacean
species. Jóhann Sigurjónsson, meðhöf. í:
Fortieth report of the International Whaling
Commission. [S.L: s.n.]; 1990: 537-—551.
Erindi og ráðstefnur
The evolution of ROSE : an engineering object-
oriented database system. (1) M. Hardwick, (2)
D. Spooner, (4) B. Downie, (5) A. Faulstich, (6)
D. Loffredo, (7) A. Meog (8) D. Sanderson,
meðhöf. (2nd Conference on CIM, Troy, New
York, 1990). Sjáritaskrá.
ROSE : a database for concurrent engineering
applications. (1) M. Hardwick, (2) D. Spooner,
(4) B. Downie, (5) A. Faulstich, (6) D. Loffr-
edo, (7) A. Mehta og (8) D. Sanderson, meðhöf.
(2nd Conference on concurrent engineering,
Morgantown, 1990). Sjáritaskrá.
A feedback strategy to regulate catches from a
whale stock : a modified version and some
simulations. (2) Gunnar Stefánsson, meðhöf.
(Fundur vinnunefndar á vegum Alþjóða hval-
veiðiráðsins, Lowestoft, febr. 1989).
A feedback strategy to regulate catches : first
stage screening. (2) Gunnar Stefánsson, með-
höf. (Ársfundur vísindanefndar Alþjóða hval-
veiðiráðsins, Intemational Whaling Commiss-
ion, San Diego, maí 1989).
Preliminary second stage screening of a feedback
strategy to regulate catches from a whale stock.
(2) Gunnar Stefánsson, meðhöf. (Ársfundur
vfsindanefndar Alþjóða hvalveiðiráðsins, San
Diego, maí 1989).
The Magnússon-Stefánsson management proced-
ure : a description of the method and results of
second phase second stage screening tests.
Gunnar Stefánsson, meðhöf. (Fundur Alþjóða
hvalveiðiráðsins, Noordwijkerhout, Hollandi,
júní 1989).
Regulation of the harvesting of a renewable
resource by feedback controls. (The mathe-
matical theory of the dynamics of biological
populations, ráðstefna á vegum IMA, Oxford,
júní 1989).
Predator-prey interaction of cod and capelin in
Icelandic waters. Ólafur K. Pálsson, meðhöf.
(Ráðstefna á vegum Alþjóða hafrannsókna-
ráðsins um fjöltegundalíkön (multispecies
models relevant to management), Haag, okt.
Tengsl þorsks og loðnu. (Náttúrufræðifélag
íslands, 27. nóv. 1989).
Results of some second stage tests of the Magn-
ússon-Stefánsson management procedure. (2)
Gunnar Stefánsson, meðhöf. (Fundur vinnu-
nefndar á vegum Alþjóða hvalveiðiráðsins,
Osló, febr. 1990).
Aðferðir við stjómun hvalveiða. (Aðgerðarann-
sóknafélag íslands, 16. okt. 1990).
The M-S method : results of first and second
stage trials and coastal trials. Gunnar Stefáns-
son, meðhöf. (Fundur vinnunefndar á veguni
Alþjóða hvalveiðiráðsins, Tokyo, des. 1990).