Árbók Háskóla Íslands - 01.01.1991, Blaðsíða 420
Árbók Háskóla íslands
Erindi og ráðstefnur
Functions operating on ultraseparating function
spaces. (Ráðstefna um Banachalgebrur og
Banachrúm, Brautarholti, 24.—29. júlí 1989).
Operating functions for Banach spaces of
continous functions. (Trends in functional ana-
lysis and approximation theory, Ítalíu, 11.—15.
sept. 1989).
Funktioner som opererer pá Banach
funktionsrum. (Kaupmannahafnarháskóli, jan.
Operating functions and ultraseparating function
spaces. (Conference on function spaces, South-
em Illinois University, Edwardsville, aprfl
1990). Sjáritaskrá.
Árskursus i matematik for gymnasielærere. (14.
nordiske LMFK- kongres, Reykjavík, 25.—
28. júní 1990).
Menntun kennara til stærðfræðikennslu. (Ráð-
stefna um stærðfræði og lýðræði, Gilleleje, júní
Operating functions for subspaces of C(X).
(Intemational functional analysis meeting,
Peniscola, Spáni, okt. 1990).
Backward limits and inhomogeneous regener-
ation. (5th Intemational Vilnius conference on
probability theory and mathematical statistics,
Vilniusjúm 1989).
From coupling to shift-coupling. (Second world
congress of the Bemoulli Society, 1990).
Regeneration and queues. (Second symposium
on queueing theory and related topics, Póllandi,
4.—lO.jan. 1990). Sjáritaskrá.
Shift-coupling. (Second world congress of the
Bemoulli Society and 53rd Annual meeting of
the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Upp-
sölum, 13.—18. ágúst 1990).
Bounded and unbounded realizations of locality.
(9th Intemational congress on mathematical
physics, Swansea, júlí 1988). Sjá ritaskrá.
Anmerkungen zum no-binding Theorem der
Thomas-Fermi-Theorie. (Háskólinn í Götting-
en,jan. 1989).
Neuere Entwicklungen der Algebraischen Quant-
enfeldtheorie. (6 fyrirlestrar við Háskólann í
Göttingen, júní-júlí 1989).
Lokale Netze und Positivitát von Wightman-
funktionalen. (Háskólinn í Göttingen, júlí
1989) .
Heimsmynd öreindafræðinnar. (Félag raungreina-
kennara, apríl 1990).
From Wightman fields to local nets. (New
problems quantum field theory, Göttingen, sept.
1990) .
Noncommutative moment problems. (Workshop
on harmonic analysis and Lie groups, Götting-
en, okt. 1990).
On the connection between the Wightman and
Haag-Kastler approaches to quantum field
theory. (Háskólinn íHamborg, nóv. 1990).
Thomas-Fermi- und verwandte Theorien fúr
Materie im Magnetfeld. (Háskólinn í Göttingen,
nóv. 1990).
Some recent results on growth properties of entire
functions. (Fjórir íyrirlestrar við stærðffæðideild
háskólans íToulouse, Toulouse, 15., 20., 22. og
23. júní 1990).
Random walk representation of propagators for
particles with spin. (Probabilistic methods in
quantum field theory and quantum gravity,
Cargése, ágúst 1989).
Random surfaces and some of their applications.
(Háskólinn í Hamborg, DESY, okt. 1990).