Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.09.1978, Blaðsíða 69
The incidence of cholelithiasis in Iceland and elsewhere is considered, and
surgical treatment of gallstones in Borgarspítalinn (Reykjavík City Hospital)
is reported. During the period 1968 to 1977 there were performed 601 gallstone
operations with 0.4% mortality. The male-female ratio was 1:3. Stones in the
common duct were found in 9 per cent of cases.
1. Brett M, Barker DJP: The world distribution of gallstones. Int J Epidemiol
5(4):335-41, Dec 76.
2. Edlund Y, Olsson 0: Incidence of biliary tract operations in a town population.
Analysis of a 15-year series. Acta Chir Scand 111(6):481-9, 1956.
3. Heaton KW: Ihe epidemiology of gallstones and suggested aetiology. Clin
Gastroenterol 2(1):67-83, Jan 73.
4. Moorhead DT, Warren KW: Changing pattems of surgery of the gallbladder, bile
ducts, and liver. Surg Clin North Am 56(3):649-66, Jun 76.
5. Plant JCD, Percy I, Bates T, Gastard J, Hita de Nercy Y: Incidence of gall-
bladder disease in Canada, England and France. Lancet 2(7823):249-51,
4 Aug 73.
6. Sabiston DC, Jr., ed.: Davis-Christopher textbook of surgery. Philadelphia,
Saunders, 1977.
7. van der Linden W, Rentzhog U: The changing character of gallstone disease as
observed in a hospital population. Acta Chir Scand 119(6):489-501, 1960.
8. Þórarinn Sveinsson: Um gallsteina. Læknablaðió 43(1-7):65-70, 1959.
Tafla 1
Tafla 2
Tíðni gallsteina við krufningar (í prósentum)
Fyrir 1940 Eftir 1940
Danmörk 15
Noregur 20
Svíþjóð 17 37
England 7 10
írland 5
Þýskaland 7 20
Austurríki 25 14
Bandaríkin 10 17
Astralía 12 23
Fjðldi aðgerða vegna gallsteina
a Borgarspitalanum
Ar Konur Karlar Alls
1968 11 4 15
1969 53 12 65
1970 40 9 49
1971 62 13 75
1972 54 15 69
1973 38 16 54
1974 46 19 65
1975 53 27 80
1976 48 27 75
1977 44 10 54
Samt. 449 152 601