Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.1981, Page 38

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.1981, Page 38
36 in endochrinology and metabolism, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1977. 15. Lindstedt, E.: Causes of blindness in Sweden. Acta Ophthal. Supplementum 104, 1969. 16. Mannslátabók II. Skrifstofa landlæknis 1953. 17. Perkins, E. S.: Morbidjty from myopia. Sightsav. Rev. Spring 1979. 18. Schwartz, B.: Dusme’s Clinical Ophthal- mology, Vol. 3, 52. Harper and Row 1976. 19. Sorsby, A.: The incidence and causes of blindness in England and Wales 1948-1962. Reports on Public Health and Medical Subjects. No. 114, London 1966. 20. World Health. The Magazine of the World Health Organization. Febr.-March 1976. Frá vígslu Landakotsspítala 1962. Frá vinstri: Systir Flavína príorinna, systir Emiliana, séra Mertens, systir Flavía, systir Anna Pálína, systir Anna María, systir Appolónía, Bjarni Jónsson og Halldór Hansen.


Læknablaðið : fylgirit

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