Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.1981, Page 58

Læknablaðið : fylgirit - 01.08.1981, Page 58
56 hærri en við H. iníl. meningitis eða 5—10%,8 2122 eru varanlegar afleiðingar mun sjald- gæfari en i öðrum mengisbólgutegundum og sjást aðeins hjá 7—13%. Af öllum sjúklingunum I þessu uppgjöri sýndu aðeins 4% greinilegar menjar sjúk- dómsins við brottför. Þetta virðist grunsam- lega lág tala og raunar alls óvitað, hvort öll kurl eru hér til grafar komin. Þyrfti, ef vel væri, að endurmeta nákvæmlega alla þessa sjúklinga m.t.t. starfrænna truflana frá taugakerfi og þar með minniháttar náms-, hegðunar- og hreyfitruflana. Fyrir utan þýðingu skjótrar greiningar og meðhöndlunar, sem allir geta verið sammála um, virðast flestir hallast að þvi, sem hér kemur fram, að tegund sýklalyfjameðferðar breyti harla litlu um afdrif og afleiðingar. Hjnsvegar er mjög liklegt, að verulega bætt stoðmeðferð á seinni árum, sem einkum miðar að því að halda niðri heilabjúg og krömpum, sjá fyrir nægu súrefni og sykri til heilans og viðhalda vökva- og blóðsalta- jafnvægi, skipti meginmáli um bættar lífs- horfur og ekki síður fækkun sjúkdóms- menja. Höfundur þakkar Kristínu E. Jónsdóttur, lækni, góðar ábendingar og upplýsingar og Magnúsi L. Stefánssyni, lækni, skrá yfir orsakasönnuð mengisbólgutilfelli á barna- deild F.S.A. 1969—78. SUMMARY Bacterial meningitis til children. A 10 years survey from the pediatric department, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Landakot, Reykjavík 1969— 1978. 78 children with bactericd meningitis, 44 boys and 34 girls, were admitted in the period 1969—1978. Their age ranged from 12 days to 12 years, with 92% under 6 years of age. Four patients were less than one month of age. Bacterial etiology was proven in 86%. Forty- five per cent of infections were caused by N. meningitidis, 34,6% by H. influenzae and 6,4% by S. pneumoniae. Blood cultures were positive in 50% of N. meningitidis patients, 85% of H. influenzae patients, 75% of S. pneumoniae patients and all of three E. coli patients. Naso-pharyngeal cul- tures revealed indentical organism in 38% of N. meningitidis patients and 55% of H. influen- zae pátients. Cerebrospinal fluid cultures were negative in nine cases, despite pleocytosis. By Gram stain (4), blood cultures (4) and nasopharyngeal culture in addition to petecchiae (1), they were all classified as belonging to N. meningi- tidis, where these diagnostic measures were found to be of greateSt help. The overall mortality was slightly under 9%. According to respective etiology, N. meningi- tidis had 8,6% mortality, H. influenzae zero, S. pneumoniae 20% and E. coli 66,7% mortality. Only 4% of patients are known to have major sequelae from the disease. No significant differ- ence in mortality or general outcome was found between two treatment groups, one con- sisting of ampicillin alone as the initial anti- bacterial treatment (38 pts), the other one consisting of multiple antibacterial drugs (40 pts.). Since the discovery of the first and so far only ampicillin resistant strain of H. influenzae type B from the cerebrospinal fluid in Iceland, isolated in October 1978, ampicillin alone has been abandoned as initial treatment. No less important than effective antibacterial treatment seems to be a proper attention given to increased intracranial pressure, convulsions, anoxia, water-electrolyte imbalance and hypo- glycemia. Glycerol was found to be an effec- tive drug to treat cerebral edema and possibly every child with bacterial meningitis should get prophylactic anticonvulsive treatment the first few days, for better general outcome. The average incidence of bacterial meningitis in children in Iceland seems to be about 8—10 patients per 100.000 inhabitants per year (over- looking epidemics) with appears to be some- what higher than reported from the Scandi- navian countries. HEIMILDIR 1. Alon, U. & al.: Neurological sequelae of septic meningitis. A foliow up study of 65 children. Isr. J. Med. Sci., 15:512, 1979. 2. Arnórsson, V.: Meningitis becterialis i börn- um — 15 ára uppgjör. Læknablaðið, 60-197, 1974. 3. Baird, D.R. & al.: Mortability from Pneumo- coccal Meningitis. Lancet, 7999:1344, 1976. 4. Brook, I. & al.: C.S.F. Lactic acid for dif- ferential diagnosis of meningitis. Lancet, 8124:1035, 1979. 5. Dahnsjö, H. & al.: Tone Audiometry Control of Children treated for Meningitis, with Large Intravenous Doses of Ampicillin. Acta Pædiatr. Scand., 65:733, 1966. 6. Davies, J.N.P.: Mortality from Pneumo- coccal Meningitis. Lancet, 8005:255, 1977. 7. Dodge, P.R. & Swartz, M.N., Bacterial Meningitis -— a Review of Selected Aspects. N. Engl. J.Med., 272:725, 1965. 8. Ellsworth, J. & al.: Meningococcal meningi- tis in children. CMA Journal, 120:155, 1979. 9. Feigin, R.D. & al.: Prospective Evaluation of Treatment of Hemophilus Influenzae Meningitis. J. Pediatr., 88:542, 1976. 10. Gamstorp, I. & Klockhoff, I.: Bilateral, severe, sensorineural hearing loss after


Læknablaðið : fylgirit

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