
Bókasafnið - 01.06.2014, Síða 63

Bókasafnið - 01.06.2014, Síða 63
Bókasafnið 38. árg. 2014 63 arstiginu og efla greinina og stéttina með það í huga að skila vinnumarkaðinum vel menntaðri fagstétt, fagfólki sem er fært um að horfa til framtíðar, takast á við áskoranir og nýta sér þá vaxtarbrodda sem fyrirfinnast hverju sinni. Abstract: A milestone in the history of a discipline: Information science at the University of Iceland The aim of this paper was to analyse how the social need for the systemization of written knowledge and professional library and information services developed as the working culture progressed. Moreover the purpose was to record the development of the discipline of library and information science ﴾LIS﴿ at the University of Iceland. Qualitative methods were used for collecting the data. Published sources in connection with the University of Iceland as well as unpublished and documented material within the University were used in the data collection. The findings indicated that the development of LIS within the University of Iceland had for the most part been in accordance with social needs. Since the middle of the 20th century, progresses in the working culture and technical advances have led to increased demand for personnel with LIS education. Within the LIS programme at the University of Iceland emphasis has been placed on instruction in basic fields of the discipline, while financial difficulties have resulted in a shortage of qualified teachers, which has been a limiting factor in the variety of the courses offered. When first established at the University of Iceland, library science was a minor subject, but has since progressed to becoming a major subject for BA, MA, MIS and PhD degrees in LIS. In June 2014, 563 students had qualified with the BA­degree or its equivalent ﴾starfsréttindanám﴿, 69 with MLIS­degree, seven with MA­degree and 22 with a diploma on masters level. The first student graduated from the department with a PhD in June 2013. The findings describe the development, the state as well as teaching within the discipline. The discipline does not offer undergraduate studies since 2013 only studies on postgraduate level. The name of the department has now been changed into Department of Information Science. Heimildir Ágústa Pálsdóttir. ﴾2009a﴿. Framhaldsnám á meistarastigi í bókasafns­ og upplýsingafræði við Háskóla Íslands. Bókasafnið, 33, 4­6. Ágústa Pálsdóttir. ﴾2009b﴿. NORSLIS: Samstarf um doktorsnám í bókasafns­ og upplýsingafræði á Norðurlöndunum og í Baltnesku ríkjunum. Bókasafnið, 33, 7­9. Clyde, L. A. ﴾2004﴿. The University of Iceland: New MLIS programme. Fregnir, 29﴾1﴿, 48­52. Dewey, M. ﴾1970﴿. Flokkunarkerfi fyrir íslenzk bókasöfn. Reykjavík: Bókafulltrúi ríkisins. Edwards, J. E., Thomas, M. D., Rosenfeld, P. og Booth­Kewley, S. ﴾1997﴿. How to conduct organizational surveys: A step-by-step guide. Thousand Oaks, CA. Sage Publications. External Review Team. ﴾1995﴿. The library and information science programme at the Faculty ofSocial Sciences, University of Iceland: Report of the External Review Team. Reykjavík: Höfundur. Fairclough , N. ﴾1993/2002﴿. Discourse and social change. Malden: Blackwell Publishers. Friðrik G. Olgeirsson. ﴾2004﴿. Á leið til upplýsingar: Saga Bókavarðafélags Íslands, aðildarfélaga þess og Félags bókasafnsfræðinga. Reykjavík: Upplýsing. Félag bókasafns­ og upplýsingafræða. Guðmundur Hálfdanarson, Sigríður Matthíasdóttir og Magnús Guðmundsson. ﴾2011﴿. Aldarsaga Háskóla Íslands. Háskólaútgáfan: Reykjavík. Guðmundur Jónsson og Magnús S. Magnússon ﴾ritstjórar﴿. ﴾1997﴿. Hagskinna: Sögulegar hagtölur um Ísland. Reykjavík: Hagstofa Íslands. Guðrún Geirsdóttir og Ingólfur Ásgeir Jóhannesson. ﴾2010﴿. Bolognaferlið og íslenskir háskólar. Uppeldi og menntun, 19﴾1­2﴿, 181­185. Hartley, J. F. ﴾1999﴿. Case studies in organizational research. Í C. Cassell og G. 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Háskóli Íslands. ﴾2012﴿. Brautskráningar kandidata. Sótt af http://www.hi.is/adalvefur/brautskraningar. Háskóli Íslands. ﴾2013a﴿. Faculty ofSocial and Human Sciences: School ofSocial Sciences: Self-review report. Reykjavík: Höfundur. Háskóli Íslands. ﴾2013b, 23. október﴿. Háskólaráðsfundur. Reykjavík. Höfundur. [Fundargerð]. Háskóli Íslands. ﴾2013c, 7. nóvember﴿. Háskólaráðsfundur. Reykjavík. Höfundur. [Fundargerð]. Háskóli Íslands. ﴾2014a﴿. Brautskráningar kandidata. Sótt af http://www.hi.is/adalvefur/brautskraningar. Háskóli Íslands. ﴾2014b﴿. Kennsluskrá háskólaárið 2014-2015. Reykjavik: Höfundur. Sótt af https://ugla.hi.is/kennsluskra/index.php?tab=skoli&chapter=cont ent&id=28719&kennsluar=2014. Hennink, M., Hutter, I. og Bailey, A. ﴾2011﴿. Qualitative research methods. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
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