Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2011, Qupperneq 157

Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2011, Qupperneq 157
157 Exceptional waves: Parents of disabled children negotiating 30 years of Icelandic social policy Pierre Bourdieu, one’s location within the larger socio-economic order and the abil- ity to make things happen and influence outcomes is argued to be contingent upon access to differing forms of social capital. However, barely a page is spent discuss- ing the author’s take on social capital until Chapter 7, which serves as the conclusion. The author’s formulation of the notion of social capital appears to be influenced more by Robert Putnam than Bourdieu, but this is not much discussed. The third ‘big idea’ is the attention paid to fathers who, as the author argues, are often left out of studies on disability and parenting and ignored by doctors and service providers, who focus on the mothers. Yet I find it cu- rious as to why fathers receive a dedicated chapter (Chapter 6). A key strength of the text, in fact, is its careful attention to gen- der and how the author skilfully compares and contrasts the voices and views of mothers and fathers throughout the book. This brings me to the last and perhaps most serious point. There seems to have been limited editorial support for this book from the publisher. The text would have benefitted from the involvement of a stronger editorial team, considering the range of issues that need to be addressed from errors of spelling, grammar and punctuation to the order and organisation of the text. A brief perusal of some aca- demic forums and internet postings sug- gest that the publisher (Nova Science Pub- lishers) has been criticised for a number of dubious practices, one of which is the lack of editorial support for their publications. A good editor would have also fine tuned the focus of this book for commercial pur- poses, as I remain unclear of the intended market. It does not appear to be intended to engage with local scholarship or policy debates, given that it is published in Eng- lish via an American publisher. Its focus is also somehow both wide (disability policy, family, parenting, gender, education, ser- vices) yet at the same time restrictive (Eng- lish text, Iceland, 1974–2007). However, there is a lot of engaging material here. I have already decided to use the section ‘Stories of abortions’ for my own teaching purposes. The decision to abort foetuses upon the detection of impairment is a rare- ly researched issue, yet the author is able to present the conflicting and anguished positions of mothers, fathers and even doctors on these issues to a degree that I have not encountered before. This is testa- ment to the author’s skill as a researcher and interviewer. That being said, I remain hesitant if I would put the book in its en- tirety on a course syllabus. And that is a shame, as a good deal of the material has the potential to make an important contri- bution, but which the attention of a good editor is needed to make shine. Social Policy and Social Capital: Parents and Exceptionality 1974–2007 by Dóra S. Bjarnason is published by Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2010.
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