Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2011, Side 161

Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2011, Side 161
161 Guidelines for contributors 6. Authors are asked to indicate in an author note if the work is based on a university assignment or if it has been completed with the support of a grant. 7. Manuscripts should have only the name of the author and the title of the article on the front page. On page 2 there is the title and an abstract of max. 300 words. On page 3 the article starts. At the end of the article, after the list of references, there is an abstract of max. 600 words in Icelandic (the reverse applies to articles in Ice- landic: 300 word abstract in Icelandic and 600 word in English). 8. Accompanying the manuscript should be a 60 word text entitled “Practical value” where the author(s) explain how the content could be utilised for policy making or for improving educational practice. 9. The author(s) should submit a text of 60-70 words in English and a similar one in Icelandic, where their education and present employment is detailed and also in- formation about their research area and email account(s). The text shall be headed by their names followed by the name(s) of their employing institution(s) in English and Icelandic. Criteria for review Reviewers are asked to keep the following main criteria in mind while reviewing a ma- nuscript of an article. Originality. Is the article original and interesting enough for it to be published? What does it add to present knowledge? Has the same work been reported elsewhere? Presentation. Does the article conform to the policy of the journal to publish only good scholarly work? Does it satisfy the formal criteria of presentation? Does description, structure and theoretical clarity contribute to an accessible and interesting article for the readers of the journal? Use of references. If the article is based on previous research are these references presen- ted in a satisfactory manner? Are critical studies included? Ethical issues. Evidence or suspicion of plagiarism, falsification of data, lack of respect or breach of confidentiality towards research participants should be reported.
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Tímarit um menntarannsóknir

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