Gripla - 01.01.1993, Síða 56
The manuscripts of Sturlunga saga used as an additional and com-
parative source for the text of Hrafns saga, edition Oxford 1987 are as
follows: AM 122a fol., Króksfjarðarbók (here called St. I) and AM
122b fol., Reykjarfjarðarbók (here called St. II). Reykjarfjarðarbók
proper is not available for the Hrafns saga passage in Sturlunga saga,
so the paper manuscripts (IIp) derived from it had to be consulted in-
stead. Those paper manuscripts (IIp) used here are: British Library
Add. 11.127 (here called Br.); Stock. pap. 8 4to (here called H) and
AM 439 4to; two manuscripts have also been used, belonging partly
(see below) to the IIp group: Advocates’ Library 21-3-17, here called V
(Vallabók), and Ny kgl. saml. 1234 fol.
The textual edition of Kr. Kálund is used as a basis for consultation
of these manuscripts apart from British Library Add. 11.127. The refer-
ence to IIp collectively in footnotes to present text represents: Br., H
and V (not always including all). Kálund quotes IIp as consisting of
Br., H, AM 440 4to and V, 1234 and 439,1 * but 440 4to is not available
for the Hrafns saga passage in Sturlunga sagar Br. has here been quot-
ed direct from the manuscript.
a) Króksfjarðarbók AM 122a fol. (St. I).
The original manuscript of Sturliinga saga is now lost. In the earlier
part of the seventeenth century two versions of it on vellum were ex-
tant, more or less complete.3 One of these two, Króksfjarðarbók (St. I)
is so called from the place Króksfjörður in the Barðastrandarsýsla,
where the manuscript is thought to have been about the year 1400.4
The manuscript was probably written about the middle of the four-
teenth century5 and is written in four different hands. Only 110 leaves
are now extant of this manuscript, originally supposed to have con-
1 Sturlimga saga efter membranen Króksfjarðarbók udfyldt efter Reykjarfjarðarbók
I, [ed. Kr. Kálund], Kbh., 1906-11, pp. lxxii—lxxiii.
The text of AM 440 4to ends in Kálund’s edition, op. cit., I 236, cf. footnote, line
3 Jón Jóhannesson. Sturlunga saga (1946), II, p. xiii.
4 Kr. Kálund’s Preface to Sturlunga saga is contained in vol. I. pp. i-lxxiv, reference
in this case to p. iv, cf. also Jón Jóhannesson, op. cit., p. xiv. The manuscript has been
published in facsimile with an introduction by Jakob Benediktsson: Sturlunga saga.
Manuscript No. 122 A fol., edited by Jakob Benediktsson (Early Icelandic Manuscripts
in Facsimile I. here after EIM). Cph., 1968.
5 Kálund, Sturlunga saga I, p. ii; Jón Jóhannesson, ibid.; EIM I. Introduction. p. 11.