Gripla - 01.01.1993, Side 64
I a 3. HrsGPH text reads: ok hans fQrunautar, Tómas Þórarinsson
ok Sturla Bárðarson.47 Sturlunga saga reads: Ragnheiðarson instead of
Þórarinsson, which seems to be because the compiler of Sturlunga saga
does not mention either of the husbands of Ragnheiðr in Selárdalr; but
in the Hrafns saga part of Sturlunga saga Tómas’s brother Eyvindr is
said to be Þórarinsson48 without further explanation. Tómas is said to
be his brother, 49 but later on in Sturlunga saga he is identified as:
Tómas í Selárdal.50
I a 4. HrsGPH text reads: sendi hann menn til Selárdals, at Ragn-
heiðarsynir kæmi.51 Sturlunga saga reads: sendir hann menn til Selár-
dals sonum Ragnheiðar, Eyvindi ok Tómasi,52 at þeir kæmi.53
I a 5. HrsGPH text reads: Gunnarsdóttir Bárðarsonar, brœðrunga
Hrafns.54 Sturlunga saga has: svarta St., ibid. instead of: brœðrunga
Hrafns, perhaps because the compiler did not take up the Hrafn’s ge-
nealogy from the opening of Hrafns saga proper.
I a 6. The opening passage of the Hrafns saga part in Sturlunga saga
is a shortened account of Bishop Guðmundur and Hrafn’s arrival in
Iceland after their year’s stay in Norway, and the gifts Bishop Guð-
mundur gave Hrafn before they parted.55
I b. Examples of connecting references with other parts of Sturlunga
saga, which seem to be inserted by the compiler in the Hrafns saga
I b 1. HrsGPH text reads: ok Þorvald, bróður hans.56 Sturlunga saga
reads: ok Þorvalds Gizurarsonar, bróður Halls;57 probably because this
is the first time Þorvaldur is mentioned in the Hrafns saga part in
Sturlunga saga, whereas Þorvaldur is often mentioned elsewhere in
Sturlunga saga.
41 HrsGPH, p. 27.
48 St. I, 309 (twice), 310.
49 St. I, 309.
50 St. I. 313.
51 HrsGPH, p. 31.
Ragnheiðr’s sons have already been named in HrsGPH, p. 17.
53 St. 1, 305.
54 HrsGPH, p. 31.
55 St. I, 297.
56 HrsGPH, p. 33.
57 St. I, 307.