Gripla - 01.01.1993, Page 68
not yet divided into the different recensions as we now know them, as
has been said above.
II. Shorter text in Sturlunga saga than in
Hrafns saga proper as given in the HrsGPH text
The part of Sturlunga saga which covers the material from Hrafns
saga consists of about two-thirds of the relevant part in Hrafns saga
proper. This consistent abridgement throughout the text seems to be
intended mainly to make the text more concise, in some cases without
changing the context (see examples II a below). Sometimes the com-
piler leaves out detailed information such as names of persons, places
and precise details of Hrafn and his men (see examples II b below).
On rare occasions the compiler leaves out material, because it is used
or referred to elsewhere (see examples II c below). The compiler
shortens or leaves out accounts of supernatural events or wonders (see
examples II d below). The compiler leaves out phrases or passages in
didactic style, often including religious phrases and /or praise of Hrafn
(see examples II e, nos. 1-6 below). Since the compiler also tends to
leave out accounts of Þorvaldr's evil doings (see examples II e, nos. 7-
10 below) it might be suggested that this was done on purpose to
achieve impartiality (see examples II e below).
II a. Examples of a shortened or abbreviated text in Sturlunga saga
without the context being much altered. The wording is given accord-
ing to HrsGPH text (for difference belween A and B see Textual
Notes in HrsGPH . The words in square brackets are omitted in Sturl-
unga saga.
II a 1. fór hann [í Selárdal] ok bað Ragnheiði [at hon skyldi] selja
honum (sér St.) [nQkkurar vættir] hvals (hval St.), en Ragnheiðr (hon
St.) lét hann hafa tólf vættir [hvals] ok mælti, at hann skyldi gjalda
henni jafnmikinn [hval síðar], þá er ræki á fjprur hans. [Fyrir] þann
hval galt Þorvaldr aldri síðan.89
II a 2. En er (er om. St. I) Loptr vissi, at Þorvaldr (Þorvald St.) hafði
ekki skeinzk (sakat St.), þá vildi hann eigi (ekki St.) fégjpldum (gjgld-
urn St.) upp halda [sem þeir hQfðu heitit. Svá gprði ok Gísli], en Hauki
þótti þeir eiga at efna mælt mál við sik (eiga . . . sik: bœta eiga St. I;
HrsGPH, p. 24; St. I, 298.