Gripla - 01.01.1993, Page 70
II b 3. The enumeration of the men following Þorvaldr in his on-
slaught on Eyrr96 is omitted in Sturlunga saga, whereas it is stated (in
St.) that there were thirty-two (i.e., II menn ins fjórða tigar).97
II b 4. at maðr sá (sá maðr St.), er Þórarinn hét, [HQskuldsson, Þor-
bjarnarsonar, ok Birnu Amundadóttur, hann] sá mann standa.98
II b 5. ok (+ þá St.) Hrafn sqrng með (við St. I) þeim óttusQnginn
(óttusQng St.) (different construction in St.), [en menn hans, þeir er
ólærðir váru, vQrðu húsin með vatni ok sýru, slíkt er þeir máttu at
gðra. Svá hQfðu þeir Þorvaldr óvart komit, at engi pati hafði farit af
ferð þeira. Þetta sannar Guðmundr skáld].99 St. also omits the follow-
ing stanza (no. 33).
II c. Examples of material left out from the part of Sturhinga saga,
which covers the material from Hrafns saga, because it is used or re-
ferred to elsewhere.
II c 1. The description of the battle in Víðines (1208), between Bish-
op Guðmundr and Kolbeinn Tumason and its aftermath is omitted in
the part of Sturlunga saga which covers the material from Hrafns
saga.100 This battle and its aftermath is described in great detail in the
íslendinga saga in Sturlunga saga.m
II c 2. HrsGPH text reads: Þorvaldr kom út þá er hann hafði þrjá
vetr útan verit [ok gengit suðr] ok bjó [síðan] í Vatnsfirði [meðan hann
lifði].102 Most likely the compiler drops: meðan hann lifði, because Þor-
valdr plays an important role in later events of Sturlunga saga, and this
omission seems to be in accordance with the general working methods
of the compiler of Sturlunga saga.
The sentence: ok bjó í Vatnsfirði in Sturlunga saga seems to be
slightly unnatural and unnecessary since Þorvaldr is identified several
times both before and after as: Vatnsfirðingr or as living in Vatns-
96 HrsGPH, p. 40.
97 St. I, 312.
98 HrsGPH, p. 39; St. I, 311.
99 HrsGPH, p. 42; St. I, 314.
100 HrsGPH, p. 29; St. I, 303.
101 Cf. St. I, 280-287.
102 HrsGPH, p. 45; St. 1, 317.