Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1953, Síða 214

Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1953, Síða 214
1953 — 212 — 4. Epidemic Diseases. The incidence of epidemic diseases in 1953 is shown in tables II, III and IV, 1—28. The following table shows the in- cidence of epidemic diseases in 1949 —1953 as also the aggregate number of deaths from each disease during tlie same period. 1. Acute Tonsillitis ............... 2. Acute Respiratory Catarrh........ 3. Diphtheria ...................... 4. Dysentery (Paradysentery)........ 5. Epidemic Encephalitis............ 6. Puerperal Sepsis ................ 7. Acute Rheumatism................. 8. Enteric Fever.................... 9. Acute Intestinal Catarrh......... 10. Influenza....................... 11. Epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningitis 12. Measles ........................ 13. Infective Myositis.............. 14. Mumps .......................... 15. Bronchopneumonia ............... 16. Lobar Pneumonia................. 17. Acute Poliomyelitis ............ 18. Cerman Measles ................. 19. Scarlet Fever................... 20. Epidemic Stomatitis............. 21. Whooping Cough.................. 22. Chickenpox...................... 23. Erysipelas...................... 24. Erythema nodosum................ 25. Infectious Hepatitis............ 26. Herpes Zoster .................. 27. Contagious Impetigo............. 28. Paratyphoid..................... 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 JS (ð Q 6909 8737 9850 10365 9183 4 20187 22689 22248 30357 22828 15 1 - - - 1 1 5 4 4 1 6 - 7 10 9 8 11 3 9 8 8 6 6 1 26 45 34 32 31 3 — 1 — — — — 3983 4664 5672 3850 5008 21 9308 5591 9314 4344 10920 57 3 3 8 7 5 1 2 882 5737 1507 396 12 12 26 1250 187 155 - 1411 925 33 14 12 - 846 819 1541 1999 1720 \ 328 143 162 212 273 188 622 17 85 30 7 2 54 135 75 41 38 - 361 69 42 21 32 - 48 114 387 529 570 - 37 312 2967 1595 1162 8 435 875 1309 750 1061 - 22 28 17 32 14 1 3 5 - - 2 - 3 1 58 155 15 1 65 76 70 76 69 - 64 89 47 47 39 - - “ 2 1 Infhienza ran through the whole country, this tirne more than averagely dangerous to life. As during two pre- vious yeras pneumonias were fre- quently registered. Measles had not yet finished their last round (com- mencing 1950), and whooping cough occurred here and there, both of them perhaps at last becoming endemic in the country. On the whole the nation’s liealth was fairly satisfactory as indi- cated by the almost exceptionally low death rate. 5. Venereal Diseases. Notified cases in the years 1949—1953 are as follows (cf. tables V, VI and VII, 1—3): 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 Gonorrhoea 375 208 220 246 272 Syphilis 54 37 25 12 8 Soft Chancre „ 1 1 „ 4 6. Tuberculosis (all forms). Patients registered by the medical officers at the end of each year (cf. tables V, VI, VIII, IX and XI): 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 Pulmonary 818 841 810 853 836 Non-pulmonary 172 155 146 159 162 l’otal Number of Notified Cases 990 996 956 1012 998 Deaths 36 29 31 20 14 Deaths from tuberculosis may be classified as follows (last yea'r’s fi-
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