Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1977, Síða 169

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1977, Síða 169
Glacial striae, roches moutonnees and ice movements 177 The west coast, which follows an approximately straight line NW—SE, is mostly steep and inaccessible, while the east coast is dissected by many deep inlets: Sandvík, Hvalbiar- fjørður, Trongisvágur, Hovsfjørður and Vágsfjørður, which continue inland as broad, gently rising valleys, all of them except Hovsfjørður reaching almost to the west coast. The dip on Suðuroy is generally north-easterly; on the southerly part of the island it is to the ENE, while further north it is to the NE and NNE. On the north-westerly part of the island, in the area between Prestfjall and Grímsfjall, the dip is northerly (N 5°). Sclorøder (1971) demonstrates geO- physically the boundary between the lower and the middle basalt series from here to the west. This boundary could imply a more westerly dip in this area. Only the losVer and the middle basalt series of the three mentioned above occur on Suðuroy. They are separated by the coal-bearing sequence and the tuff-agglomerate zone (fig. 1). The lower basalt series is exposed on Hvalbiareiði and in the valley south of Hvalba; north of Hvalba the middle basalt series predominates. Similarly, the lower series is found in the Trongisvág valley and over the entire island south of Oyrna- fjall. Thus in the valley south of Hvalba, in the Trongisvág valley and southwards, we find the valley type with broad step-like valley sides, except in some areas where the strata are thinner. The transition between the lower and the middle basalt series is indicated by a vegetation-clad slope covering the coal-bearing sequence and the tuff-agglomerate zone. The convex landscape characteristic of the middle basalt series is found on the northerly part of the island: Oyrnafjall, the area between Trongisvágur and Hvalba, Grímsfjall, and the area north of Hvalba. The laminar zones on Suðuroy have, like the dikes, a pre- dominantly NW—SE orientation, particularly in the southern part of the island, i.e. in the lower basalt series. They are usually broad, often strongly brecciated, and it is probable that their formation antedates that of the middle basalt series
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