Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1977, Side 180

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1977, Side 180
188 Glacial striae, roches moutonnees and ice movements 370 m. In the sharp valley head to the west there are seen roches moutonnees showing ice movement to the E (site 72), while the direction of movement becomes more south-easterly further to the east on the valley slopes, (sites 70 and 71), corre- sponding to ice movement down towards the valley mouth into Suðuroyarfjørður. Øravík. The valley at Øravík runs approximately E—W in towards Valdaskarð, which forms the iceshed between the valley and a SW-facing cirque near Fámjin. The valley at Øravík is com- pletely covered by vegetation, so only one site has been found with roches moutonnees showing ice movement to the ESE (site 62). On the north side of Øravík bay the soil cover is scattered and thin, with good bedrock exposures. Roches mou- tonnees oriented to the SE and striae oriented NW—SE were found here (sites 28, 55 and 56). On the south side of the bay were noted roches moutonnees directed E (site 57). Fámjin. The SW-facing cirque from Valdaskarð to Fámjin runs down towards lake Kirkjuvatn. On both west and east sides of this lake there are roches moutonnees with stoss sides oriented to the NE and lee sides to the SW (sites 48 and 49). The valley south of Fámjin runs NW—SE. Here are found areas with exposed bedrock occurring as flat, glacially worn basalt surfaces. However, distinct roches moutonnees are also found, especially along Áin Mikla near lake Rættarvatn and the lake at Bláfossur, and these bear witness of ice movement towards the NW (sites 59—61). Hov — Porkeri. The valley opening towards the east at the settlement of Hov is a particularly fine example of glacial action. The terrain in the cirque is very uneven and hummocky, with elongated mounds or ridges NW—SE across the valley follow-
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