Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1977, Síða 184

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1977, Síða 184
192 Glacial striae, roches itioutonnees and ice movements observation points its course is interpolated and shown as a stippled line. It is obvious that the glaciers followed the al- ready-existing valleys. In the cirques, which often open directly to the sea, the roches moutonnees show not only ice movement out of the cirque but also downwards towards its bottom. In the open, through-going valleys, of which a number continue as fjords, e. g. Trongisvágsdalur — Trongisvágsfjørður, the orientation of both roches moutonnees and striae reflects the winding course of the valley. No striae, roches moutonnees or other signs of glaciation have been found showing other oriem tations, and it must therefore be concluded that throughout the whole ice age the direction of movement of the ice was determined by the pre-Glacial landscape morphology. Acknowledgements. The authors would like to thank Mrs. Ragna Larsen for drawing the map and Mr. C. M. Robson for translation of the manuscript. REFERENCES Allan, T. 1813: An Account of the Mineralogy of the Faroe Islands. Trans. R. Soc. Edinb. 7, 229—267. Chambers, Robert 1856: Tracing of Iceland and Faroe Islands. London & Edinb. Geikie, ]. 1880: On the Geology of the Færoe Islands. Trans. R. Soc. Edinb. 30, 217—269. Grossmann, Karl and Lomas, ]. 1895: On the Glaciation of the Faroe Islands. The Glacialists Magazine, 1—15. Helland, A. 1879: Ueber die Yergletscherung der Faroer, sowie der Shet- land- und Orkney-Inseln. Z. dt. geol. Ges. 31, 716—755. Helland, A. 1880: Om Færøernes Geologi. Geogr. Tidsskr. 4, 149—179. Jørgensen, G. 1972: An area of Solifluction on Suðuroy, the Faeroe Islands. Bull. geol. Soc. Denmark 21, 365—373. Rasmussen, ]. & Noe-Nygaard, A. 1969: Beskrivelse til geologisk kort over Færøerne. Danm. geol. Unders. række 1, 24, 370 pp. Rasmussen, J. & Noe-Nygaard, A. 1970: Geology of the Faeroe Islands. Danm. geol. Unders. række 1, 25, 142 pp. Schrøder, Niels F. 1971: Magnetic Anomalies around the Faroe Islands. Fróðskaparrit 19, 20—29.
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