Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags


Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1999, Qupperneq 175

Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1999, Qupperneq 175
WILLIAM MORRIS OG ÍSLENSKIR FORNGRIPIR 179 4William Morris, Dagbœkur úr íslandsferðum 1871-1873 (Reykjavík, 1975), bls. 266. 5 Asamt Jóni Arnasyni frá 1878-1882; sjá Kristján Eldjárn, Hundrað ár í Þjóðminjasafni (Reykjavík, 1962), bls. viii. (5. útgáfa: Reykjavík, 1994, bls. xiii.) 6 Þims. 871. Sigurður Vigtússon, Skýrsla um Fonmipasafn Islands í Revkiavík 1871-1875, 11,1 (Reykjavík, 1881), bls. 21. 7 Morris (1975), bls. 203. Sbr. Morris (1996), bls. 141: A wct day and stormy: the only thing tliat happened was our going to see the museum which has a great deal of interesting things in it, ancient, medievál, and modern art, even the latter differing little from the thirteenth-century fonns. 8 I Áshreppi, Austur-Húnavatnssýslu. 9 í Morris (1975), bls. 111, hefur orðið gamlar fallið niður, sbr. Morris (1996), bls. 71, þar sem segir að hann hafi keypt tvær gamlar silfurskeiðar, two old silver spoons. 10 Samkvæmt Den nyc Salmonsen (Kobenhavn, 1949), d. 613, var Hans Burgkmair þýskur málari og teiknari (f. 1473, d. 1531) sem starfaði í Augsburg og málaði altaristöflur og myndskreytti bækur. 11 Morris (1975), bls. 115. Sbr. Morris (1996), bls. 74: ... thc Doctor brought his daughter dressed in gala clothes which included a really fine belt of silversmith’s work, I should think not later tlian 1530 in date,for therc was a St Barbara engraved on the sinooth side of the tag in regular Haus Burgmair style: the openwork of the belt was very beautiful, the traditional northern Byzantinesque work all mixed up with crisp sixteenth-ceiitury leafage. 12 Morris (1996), bls. 74 og 76, og Morris (1975), bls. 115 og 118. Sbr. ÍÆ, III, bls. 289: Jón Thorarensen (f. 1796, d. 1859), stúdent og bóndi í Víðidalstungu frá 1823 til ævi- loka. Loc. cit. og IÆ, IV, bls. 146: Páll Vídalín (f. 1827, d. 1873), bóndi, stúdent og alþingismaður, sonur Jóns, bjó í Víðidalstungu frá 1860 til æviloka. 13 Morris (1975), bls. 118. 14 Morris (1996), bls. 76: ... a fine piece of entbroidery witli Scripture subjects worked in circles, and an inscription, which Magnússon with some trouble made out: it looked like thirteenth- century work: but, I suppose, was eighteenth. 15 Morris (1975), bls. 118-119. Morris (1996), bls. 76-77: ... our liost followed us in, to show us what tliere was to see: it was all deal inside with a rather elaborate screen, a pretty brass chandelier and two old (seventeenth-century?) picturcs, an altar triptych and painted rood: tliere were a good many books in it; amoiig tliem a Gúdbrandr [siclj Bible; a ratlicr valuable manu- script of ecclcsiastical annals and a handsomely written book of Sagas; Hrolf Kraki to wit, Vols- unga, and Ragnar Lodbrók, written out in the seventeenth century, I suppose.... 16 Morris (1975), bls. 126-127. Morris (1996), bls. 82:... bought two liorn spoons,... 17 Morris (1975), bls. 132-133. Morris (1996), bls. 86-87; bls. 87: C.J.F. bouglit Uvo old sil- ver spoons ofhim ... he put such a lowprice on tliein that Charley gave him tnore;... 18 Morris (1975), bls. 133. I Morris (1996), bls. 87, segir um heimsóknina í Hvamms- kirkju: ... Tlien wego into the littlc cliurcli where there is an oldfifteenth-century chalice, and a paten which is obviously English; a pretty old door ring and somegood embroidery.... 19 I Laxárdalshreppi, Dalasýslu. 20 Morris (1975), bls. 136 og 167. Morris (1996), bls. 89: ... where we bought a silver quaigh ... og bls. 114:... Wc bouglit sotne blue-fox skins ... 21 Morris (1975), bls. 43 (í Reykjavík): ostur, kirsuberjabrennivín, prjónapeysur og vettl- ingar, bls. 110 (í Grímstungu); sokkar og bls. 159 (í Olafsvík) skeifur og ódýr hnífur. Morris (1996), bls. 19: ... chcese, clierry brandy, knitted guernseys and gloves; bls. 71: ... beau- tiful warni stockings ... og bls. 108:... horseshoes ... a sixpenny knife.
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Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags

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