Árbók Háskóla Íslands - 01.01.1991, Síða 209
Laeknadeild og fræðasvið hennar
Methotrexate treatment of rheumatoid arthritis :
effects on radiological progress. (1) Sigrún
Reykdal, (3) Kristján Sigurjónsson og (4)
Ásmundur Brekkan, meðhöf. Scandinavian
Journal ofRheumatology, 1989; 18:221-226.
Successful plasma infusion treatment of a patient
with C2 deficiency and systemic lupus erythe-
matosus : clinical experience over 45 months.
(2) Kristján Erlendsson og (3) Helgi Valdi-
niarsson, meðhöf. Arthrítis and Rheumatism;
1989; 32:906—913.
Cyclosporin A in psoriatic arthritis : an open
study. (2) Ingileif Jónsdóttir og (3) Helgi Valdi-
marsson, meðhöf. Annals of the Rheumatic
Diseases- 1990; 49: 603—606.
Increased amounts of C4-containing immune
complexes and inefficient activation of C3 and
the terminal complement pathway in a patient
with homozygous C2 deficiency and SLE. (1)
?■ Garred, (2) T.E. Mollnes, (3) Leifur Þor-
steinsson og (4) Kristján Erlendsson, meðhöf.
Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, 1990;
SLE, systemic sclerosis, dermatomyositis, poly-
myositis and mixed connective tissue disease in
Iceland 1975 through 1984 : a nationwide
epidemiological study in unselected population.
(1) V. Sigurðsson og (2) S. Guðmundsson,
meðhöf. Scandinavian Journal of Rlieumato-
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Systemic lupus erythematosus in Iceland 1975
through 1984 : a nationwide epidemiological
study in unselected population. (1) S. Guð-
mundsson, meðhöf. Journal of Rheumatology,
1990; 17: 1162—1167.
Kopar- og zinkþéttni í sermi. (2) Jón Eldon og (3)
P- Olafsson, meðhöf. Lceknablaðið; 1987; 73:
°le of phosphoinositides in the regulation of
endothelial prostacyclin production. (1) H. Hall-
dórsson og (3) G. Þorgeirsson, meðhöf.
Arteriosclerosis; 1988; 8: 147—154.
he role of protein kinase C in the control of
thrombin and aluminium fluoride mediated
generation of inositol phosphates in endothelial
cells [útdráttur]. (1) Haraldur Halldórsson, (2)
Magnús K. Magnússon og (4) Guðmundur
Þorgeirsson, meðhöf. Journal of Cell Bio-
chemistiy, Supplement; 1988; (S209): 61.
Beta-adrenoceptor agonists and hypoxia in sheep
fetuses. (1) A. Dagbjartsson, (2) G. Herberts-
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krantz og (6) J.G. Rosen, meðhöf. Acta Physiol-
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Effects of L-tryptophan on daytime arousal. (1)
B. Þorleifsdóttir, (2) J.K. Bjömsson og (4) Helgi
Kristbjamarson, meðhöf. Neuropsychobiology;
1989; 21: 170—176.
Endothelial inositol phosphate generation and
prostacyclin production in response to G-prot-
ein activation by ALF4. (1) M.K. Magnússon,
(2) H. Halldórsson og (4) G. Þorgeirsson, með-
höf. Biochemical Journal; 1989; 264: 703-711.
Myndun inositolfosfata og prostasýklíns í
æðaþeli eftir örvun G- protína með álflúoríði.
(1) Magnús K. Magnússon, (2) Haraldur
Halldórsson og (4) Guðmundur Þorgeirsson,
meðhöf. Lceknablaðið; 1989; 75: 42.
Serum progesterone and testosterone values infin
whales caught ojf Iceland : a progress report
for 8 years. (2) Alfreð Ámason, meðhöf. San
Diego; 1989. 7 s. (Intemational Whale Comm-
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Árangurslaus tilraun til útrýmingar Legionella
ssp. úr vatni á Landspítalanum [útdráttur]. (1)
M. Siguijónsdóttir, (2) S. Karlsson og (3) Sig-
urður B. Þorsteinsson, meðhöf. Lœknablaðið;
1989; 75:27.
Átta tilfelli af Legionellosis staðfest með ræktun.
(1) María Sigurjónsdóttir, (2) Sigfús Karlsson,
(3) Steinn Jónsson og (4) Sigurður B. Þor-
steinsson, meðhöf. Lœknablaðið; 1989; 75:
Azithromycin (CP-62,993): an innovative appro-
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diseases [útdráttur]. (2) J.H. Ólafsson, (3) H.
Þórarinsson, (4) R.W. Johnson og (5) R.C.
Tilton, meðhöf. Journal of Chemotherapy,
Infectious Diseases and Malignancies, Supple-
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