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Method Facing a Dilemma
Re-evaluating the 20th century
In the closing years of the 20th century there was extensive debate on the
position of societies throughout the world. This discussion led to new
aPproaches to everyday life, which have sometimes been linked with the
postmodemist condition. It was followed by a complete change in direction
tn many authors' approach to scholarship and society. This article dis-
cusses the revisionist tradition in social analysis and investigates in what
manner Icelandic historians, or more specifically, the "Icelandic historical
establishment", has adopted its methods.
Groups of intellectuals in Iceland, such as poets, writers, artists and
various scholars in the humanities, have taken a critical look at social
developments during the 20th century and suggested that the discourse
on events and ideas be opened up for a thorough revision. The progressive
ideas of many scholars during the century have thus become the target of
these critical voices, together with Eurocentric general history, taking its
point of departure in the white, middle-class, and male perspective. At