Gripla - 20.12.2010, Síða 59
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ʻThe Forgotten Poem: A Latin Panegyric for Saint Þorlákr in AM 382 4to.’
Keywords: Saint Þorlákr, Latin poetry, Þorláks saga helga, Bergr Sokkason.
AM 382 4to is the sole witness to the text of the B-version of Þorláks saga helga.
The first recto page of this manuscript contains a Latin poem about St Þorlákr.
This poem has previously been printed three times, but in every case the text was
less than adequate. This article publishes a newly-edited Latin text of the poem,
as well as an English translation and detailed analysis of the poem and its connec-
tion with the B-redaction of Þorláks saga helga. The authors address, moreover,
the relationship between the Latin Vita St Thorlaci and the vernacular saga. Fi-
nally, they present evidence to suggest that Bergr Sokkason was the redactor of
AM 382 4to.
AM 382 4to inniheldur B-gerð Þorláks sögu helga. Á fyrsta varðveitta blaði
handritsins stendur kvæði á latínu um Þorlák helga, sem hefur verið gefið út
þrisvar áður með ófullkomnum hætti, og aldrei lesið að neinu gagni eða greint. Í
greininni er réttur texti kvæðisins prentaður, þýddur og skýrður, en jafnframt er
þess freistað að upplýsa um ástæðuna fyrir staðsetningu þess fyrir framan B-gerð