Gripla - 20.12.2013, Blaðsíða 77
kIRsten WoLf
1. Introduction
am 629 4to is a miscellany of religious literature containing “sagann
af petre postula” (fols. 1−43), “Sagann af Johanni postula” (fols. 44−72),
“sagann af jacobo Bröder johannj” (fols. 73−82), “Sagann af Bartolomeo”
(fols. 83−96r), “Sagann af Thomas postula” (fols. 96r−113r), “Sagann af
simon og juda Postulum” (fols. 113r-125r), “sagann af Andriea postula”
(fols. 125v−150v), “Sagann af Matthea Postula” (fols. 150v−161v), “Sagann
af philippo postula” (fols. 161v−164), “Sagann af Jacobo Postula” (fols.
165−168r), “Sagann af Mattheus Postula” (fols. 168r-−), “Eitt lyted æfinn-
tijre og vtskyring, vmm Pyläti fæding, slegte, lifnad, og æfelok, so og
Christi saklausann dauda og pijnu, og þad fleijra sem þessi saga jnne-
helldur” (fols. 178v−190v), “Exemplum af Sancte Sipriano þeim Gooda
Manne” (fols. 190v−192r), and “Vmm aflastan Guds Nafns” (fol. 192r−v).
At the end of the codex, the scribe gives the information that the manu-
script was “Skrifad ad Nwpi vid Dijra Fird, og Endad þann | 30. Januarj.
Ao 1697. þixzys kxmmcr | ʀþm. nck”. (192v). The cryptogram is deciphered
underneath in Árni Magnússon’s hand: “olafur Hannesson m e h.”1 on a
note accompanying the manuscript Árni Magnússon provides a copy of a
letter from Páll Torfason (ca. 1637−1720), county magistrate (sýslumaður)
in núpur in dýrafjörður, which tells that Páll torfason had his son torfi
Pálsson (1673[?]−1712), who was a student of theology at the University of
Copenhagen, deliver the manuscript to him in 1699.2
1 there is no information in contemporary sources about ólafur Hannesson, a scribe whose
name appears in no other manuscript in the Arnamagnaean Collection.
2 “Pall Torfason 1699. Postula Sgurnar in charta 4to, sem eg torfa Palssyne, syne mïnum,
ut sende, enn hann ydur meddeillde, liet eg skrifa epter fornflegu kvere og varla læsu, ä
pappïr, skrifudu af vidvæninge i vorre tïd, og mun s hinn same, sem þær skrifad hefur,
ei epter gamalli skrift ritad hafa.” Mattheus saga postula, ed. ólafur Halldórsson, stofnun
Árna Magnússonar á íslandi, Rit, vol. 41 (Reykjavík: stofnun Árna Magnússonar á íslandi,
1994), lxxvi; kristian kålund, Katalog over Den Arnamagnæanske Håndskriftsamling, 2 vols.
(Copenhagen: Gyldendalske Boghandel, 1889−94), 2:43.
Gripla XXIV (2013): 77–89.