Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2013, Blaðsíða 121
Samskipti ungs fólks í fjölmenningarsamfélagi
viðhorfakönnuninni þáttur í daglegum
veruleika þess en mikilvægt er að átta
sig betur á því hvernig þau skilja, skynja
og hugsa um margbreytileikann. Margt
áhugavert kemur í ljós þegar niðurstöður
könnunarinnar eru skoðaðar og oft vakna
fleiri spurningar en svarað hefur verið.
Þær eru teknar með sem veganesti inn í
næsta þátt rannsóknarinnar, rýnihópavið-
töl þar sem unga fólkið er m.a. beðið að
ræða um samskipti í fjölmenningarsam-
félagi og viðhorf sín til þess. Rýnihópavið-
tölin munu væntanlega gefa dýpri og betri
innsýn í viðhorf unga fólksins til íslensks
Communication of young adults in
a multicultural society in Iceland
The article discusses the attitudes of yo-
ung adults (age 18-24) to life and values
in Iceland, a multicultural society. The
research project is located within a broad
theoretical framework and uses interdis-
ciplinary approaches of religious educa-
tion, multicultural studies and pedagogy.
Methodological approaches are both
quantitative and qualitative. The first
part of the research is a survey which was
conducted among students in seven upp-
er secondary schools in the Reykjavík area
and other areas of Iceland in 2011 and 2012
covering measures of self identity, family
ties, religious affiliations and background
variables. The article focuses on findings
frorn the survey related to communication
and attitudes towards diversity. The find-
ings indicate that the participants gene-
rally have positive attitudes towards di-
versity. The majority of participants find it
inspiring to have friends of different orig-
ins and find it important to respect diffe-
rent cultural and religious traditions. The
majority of participants also have strong
opinions against racism and bullying.
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„Hægist mein þá um er rætt": Birtingar-
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litteratur AB.
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ráttfardige mobbaren: Elevers förestálln-
ingar om mobbning i skolbioaktiviteter.
Utbildning & Democrati, 3, 111-130.
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