Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2013, Blaðsíða 64
Gestur Guðmundsson og Hulda Karen Ólafsdóttir
defeat as learning processes. Furthermore,
all over Europe more and more young
people are taking a „yo-yo" transition into
adulthood, alternating among education,
work, family life, travel and other activi-
ties. While Icelandic youth are presented
in international comparisons as European
champions of dropping out, they should
perhaps rather be seen as champions of the
yo-yo transition.
The research results can inform im-
proved prevention of drop-out in Icelan-
dic upper secondary education. However,
the most important political implication
of the research results would be to raise
the discussion that it can be realistic and
positive that a considerable proportion of
young people leave education for a time,
learn and experience in working life and
later return to education with improved
motivation and learning skills.
Keywords: Dropout, second chance, choice
biography, yo-yo transition, adutt students.
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