Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2013, Blaðsíða 140
Hrefna Guðmundsdóttir og Hanna Ragnarsdóttir
cultures and schools fail to initiate contact
and communicate with the families. This
could also be true for organized leisure ac-
As previously mentioned, the research
is limited to those children who were able
to answer questions in Icelandic and Pol-
ish, and therefore excludes those who did
not have the skills needed in Icelandic or
Polish. It lacks the corresponding informa-
tion on the status of the latter group. The
findings of the survey indicate that chil-
dren from households where the home
language is not Icelandic have more dif-
ficulties in being accepted than children
from bilingual homes and homes where
only Icelandic is spoken. It is important
that these children are encouraged to par-
ticipate in leisure activities and that par-
ents are informed about the importance of
their participation as prevention. The only
leisure activities where a different mother
tongue did not play a part in difference in
responses were chess and dancing lessons.
It is also important that Reykjavik and oth-
er local municipalities that subsidize par-
ticipation in leisure activities inform par-
ents better on how to use these subsidies.
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