Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2013, Síða 64

Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2013, Síða 64
Gestur Guðmundsson og Hulda Karen Ólafsdóttir defeat as learning processes. Furthermore, all over Europe more and more young people are taking a „yo-yo" transition into adulthood, alternating among education, work, family life, travel and other activi- ties. While Icelandic youth are presented in international comparisons as European champions of dropping out, they should perhaps rather be seen as champions of the yo-yo transition. The research results can inform im- proved prevention of drop-out in Icelan- dic upper secondary education. However, the most important political implication of the research results would be to raise the discussion that it can be realistic and positive that a considerable proportion of young people leave education for a time, learn and experience in working life and later return to education with improved motivation and learning skills. Keywords: Dropout, second chance, choice biography, yo-yo transition, adutt students. Heimildaskrá Alheit, Peter og Dausien, Bettina. (2000). 'Biographicity' as a basic resource of lif- elong learning. í Peter Alheit og Henning Salling Olesen (ritstjórar) Lifelong Learning Inside and Outside Scltools Vol. 2 (bls. 400- 422), Roskilde: RUC. Beck, Ulrich. (1986). Risikogesellsclwft. Auf dem Weg in eine andere Moderne. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp. [ensk útg. 1992: Risk Society. Towards a Neiv Moderniti/. London: Sagej. Beck, Ulrich og Elizabeth Beck-Gernsheim. (2003). Individualization: institutionalized individualism and its social and political consequences. London: Sage. Becker, Gary. S. (1965). Human capital. A theo- retical and empirical analysis, with special reference to education. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Bois-Reymond, Manuela du. (1998). "I don't want to commit myself yet": Young people's life concepts. Journal ofYouth Stu- dies 1(1), 63-79. Bourdieu, Pierre og Passeron, Jean-Claude. (1970/1990). La Reproduction. Éléments pour une théorie du systéme d'enseignement. Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit. [Ensk útgáfa Reproduction in education, society and cult- ure, London: Sage, 1990] Bourdieu, Pierre. (1999). Weight of the world: Social suffering in contemporary society. Cambridge: Polity. Chisholm, Lynne. (2001). Youth in know- ledge societies. Challenges for research and policy. Young. Nordic Journal ofYouth Research 9(1), 61-72. Erikson, Erik H. (1968). Identity: Youth and crisis. London og Boston: Faber & Faber. Fuchs, Walter. (1984). Biographische For- schung. (Biographical Research) Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag. Furlong, Andy, Cartmel, Fred, Biggart, Andy, Sweeting, Helen og West, Patrick. (2003). Youth transitions: Patterns of vulnerability and processes ofsocial Inclusion. Edinburgh: Scottish Ececutive. Gerður G. Óskarsdóttir. (1995). The forgotten half. Reykjavík: Social Science Research Institute and University Press. Gestur Guðmundsson. (2006). Ungdom - selvidentitet eller krise? Tidsskrift for ar- bejdsliv 8(3), 53-68. Gestur Guðmundsson. (2012). Félagsfrxði menntunar. Kenningar, hugtök, rannsóknir og sögulegt samhengi. (2. útg.) Reykjavík: Skrudda. 62
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