
Saga - 2011, Síða 139

Saga - 2011, Síða 139
emic exercise; my discussion of the documents engages with the arguments of a number of scholars who have attempted to classify and date all extant documents, instead of trying to recreate them by emendations, corrections or any other editorial practice. (That all documents written at a certain period should be analysed in their entirety was an unavoidable premise of my historiographical analy- sis.) Yet one of Helgi Skúli’s persistent criticisms of my work is that I have engaged with scholarly arguments which he deems „obso- lete“.7 This is not the place to consider the rights and wrongs of Helgi Skúli’s assessment of what is worthy or unworthy of scholar- ly attention, but his belief that I have discussed old-fashioned theo- ries, preferring to discuss the theory of certain scholars at the expense of others, allows him to conclude that my analysis of past scholarship is misleading.8 This, I think, is not the case, and I believe that my analysis of past scholarship, as well as of the documents, stands for itself. With the exception of an oversight about King Magnús Hákonarson’s participation in King Hákon Hákonarson’s royal affairs — something which affects only a small part of my overall argument — I have no corrections to make to my main thesis. But I shall take this opportunity, in response to Helgi Skúli’s article, to expand some points from my previous research. I shall also address a very important part of my argument which Helgi Skúli leaves out in the above-mentioned summary of my reasons for arguing that the documents were fabrications, that is, their sudden appearance in the fifteenth century. My close analysis of the text of the documents and their historical context was a means of under- standing this historiographical phenomenon. I shall start with the mistake which crept into the last part of my argument; that is, the portion which discusses the agreement known as Gizurarsáttmáli or Gamli sáttmáli 1262. Gizurarsáttmáli suppos- edly represents the agreement, mentioned in the saga accounts, made between the Icelanders of the Southern and Northern Quart ers of the country and the King of Norway in 1262. This document is a response to „gamli sáttmáli …“ 139 7 Helgi Skúli Kjartansson, „Gamli sáttmáli — hvað næst?“, p. 139: „… séu birt í Fornbréfa safni en sér ekki ástæðu til að fara um þau nema örfáum orðum — kenningin um þau er löngu úrelt“, and p. 140: „ólíkt kenningu Jóns Sigurðs - sonar sem sérfræðingar hættu að rökstyðja fyrir hundrað árum“. 8 Helgi Skúli Kjartansson, „Gamli sáttmáli — hvað næst?“, p. 137: „Svo var það einmitt þessi sannfæring sem fyrst lét undan við nánari aðgæslu, því að greinar - gerð Patricíu fyrir stöðu þekkingarinnar reynist í meginatriðum villandi“. Saga haust 2011 NOTA_Saga haust 2004 - NOTA 11/24/11 9:52 AM Page 139
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