Jökull - 01.01.2001, Blaðsíða 108
Leó Kristjánsson
ht; and very fast light switches (Kerr cells).
Up to the early 1920’s the Helgustaðir mine ap-
pears to have supplied almost all the Iceland spar
crystals used in the construction of Nicol prisms, and
many of those used in other research. The crystals
were collected sporadically until the mid–19th cen-
tury. Organized quarrying by local entrepreneurs took
place in 1855–60 and especially in 1863–72. After
acquisition of the site by the State in 1879, extracti-
on was carried out at intervals in 1882–1925.
Bartholin, R. 1669. Experimenta Crystalli Islandici Dis-
diaclastici. D. Paulli, Kaupmannahöfn, 60 bls.
Faraday, M. 1846. Experimental researches in electricity.
Nineteenth series. Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. 136, 1–20.
Guðmundur G. Hagalín, 1970. Eldur er beztur. Iðunn,
Reykjavík, 283 bls.
Hastings, C. S. 1888. On the law of double refraction in
Iceland spar. Am. J. Sci. 35, 60–73.
Helgi H. Eiríksson, 1943. Silfurberg. Iðnsaga Íslands (rit-
stj. Guðm. Finnbogason), II, 74–80. Iðnaðarmannafé-
lagið, Reykjavík.
Huyghens, C. 1690. Traité de la Lumiere. P. van der Aa,
Leiss, C. 1905. Präzisions–Polarisations–Spektrometer.
Zeitschr. Instrumentenk. 25, 340–342.
Leó Kristjánsson, 2000. Upphaf smásjárrannsókna á bergi,
og nokkur tengsl þess við Ísland. Jökull 48, 55–61.
Leó Kristjánsson, 2001. Minnisblöð og heimildaskrá varð-
andi silfurberg og þátt þess í þróun raunvísinda og
ýmissar tækni, einkum á 19. öld. Raunvísindastofnun
Háskólans, fjölrituð skýrsla 07–2001, um 160 bls.
Malus, E. L. 1808. Sur une propriete de la lumiere ref-
lechie. Bull. Soc. Philom. 1, 266–269.
Newton, I. 1706,1718. Opticks, London (latnesk útgáfa og
önnur útgáfa á ensku).
Nicol, W. 1829. On a method of so far increasing the di-
vergency of the two rays in calcareous–spar, that only
one image may be seen at a time. Edinb. New Philos. J.
6, 83–84.
Pasteur, L. 1848. Recherches sur les relations qui peuvent
exister entre la forme cristalline, la composition chim-
ique, et le sens du pouvoir rotatoire. Ann. Chim. 24,
Skinner, C. A. 1923. The polarimeter and its practical app-
lications. J. Franklin Inst. 196, 721–750.
Strutt, J. W. 1871. On the light from the sky, its polarizati-
on and colour. Phil. Mag. 41, 107–120, 274–279.
Sveinn Þórðarson, 1945. Saga silfurbergsins. Náttúrufræð-
ingurinn 15, 96–107.
Tschermak, G. 1881. Ueber die Isometrie der rhom-
boedrischen Carbonate und des Natriumsalpeters.
Mineral. Petrogr. Mitth. 4, 99–121.
Walker, G. P. L. 1959. Geology of the Reyðarfjörður area,
Eastern Iceland. Quart. J. Geol. Soc. London, 114,
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