Rit Mógilsár - 2014, Blaðsíða 63

Rit Mógilsár - 2014, Blaðsíða 63
Rit Mógilsár 31/2014 63 B. Magnússon, S. H. Magnússon, E. Ólafsson and Bjarni D. Sigurðsson. 2014. Plant coloni- zation, succession and ecosystem develop- ment on Surtsey with reference to neigh- bouring islands. Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 9379-9420. Bremer, L.L. and Farley, K.A. 2010. Does plan- tation forestry restore biodiversity or create green deserts? A synthesis of the effects of land-use transitions on plant species rich- ness. Biodivers. Conserv. 19:3893–3915. Bright, C. 1998. Life out of bounds: Bioinva- sion in a borderless world. W.W. Norton & Co., New York. Brockerhoff, E.G., Jactel, H., Parrotta, J.A., Quine, C.P. & Sayer, J. 2008. Plantation for- ests and biodiversity: oxymoron or opportu- nity? Biodivers. Conserv. 17: 925-951. Brown, J.H. & Sax, D.F. 2005. Biological inva- sions and scientific objectivity: reply to Cas- sey et al. Austral Ecology 30: 481-483. Campbell, F.T. 1993. Legal avenues for con- trolling exotics. Í: McKnight, B.N. (ritstj.). The control and impact of invasive exotic spe- cies, bls. 243-250. Indiana Academy of Sci- ence, Indianapolis, Indiana. Chapin III, F. S., Matson, P. A., & Mooney, H. A. (2002). Principles of terrestrial ecosystem ecology. New York, Berlin, London: Springer. Colautti, R.I., Parker, J.D., Cadotte, M.W., Pysek, P., Brown, C.S., Sax, D.F. and Richard- son, D.M. 2014. Quantifying the invasiveness of species. Neobiota 21: 7–27. Darwin, C. 1859. On the origin of the species by means of natural selection or the preser- vation of favoured races in the struggle for life. London: John Murray. Davis, M.A. 2009. Invasion biology. Oxford Univ. Press. Davis, M., M. K. Chew, R. J. Hobbs, A. E. Lugo, J. J. Ewel, G. J. Vermeij, J. H. Brown, M. L. Rosenzweig, M. R. Gardener, S. P. Carroll, K. Thompson, S. T. A. Pickett, J. C. Stromberg, P. Del Tredici, K. N. Suding, J. G. Ehrenfield, J. P. Griem, J. Mascaro & J. C. Briggs. 2009. Don’t judge species on their origins. Nature 474:153-154. Elton, C.S. 1958. The ecology of invasions by animals and plants. Methuen and Co., Lon- don. Fridley, J.D. and Sax, D.F. (2014) The imbal- ance of nature: revisiting a Darwinian frame- work for invasion biology. Global Ecology and Biogeography 23: 1157–1166 Gould, S.J. 1998. An evolutionary perspec- tive on strengths, fallacies, and confusions in the concept of native plants. Arnoldia 58: 3-10. Hanski, I. 2005. Landscape fragmentation, biodiversity loss and the societal response. EMBO reports 6: 388-392. Landvernd. 2014. Umsögn um þings- ályktunartillögu um eflingu skógræktar sem atvinnuvegar og sameiningu stjórnsýslu- eininga á sviði skógræktar og land græðslu.
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Rit Mógilsár

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