Ársrit Ræktunarfélags Norðurlands

Ársrit Ræktunarfélags Norðurlands - 01.01.1959, Blaðsíða 38

Ársrit Ræktunarfélags Norðurlands - 01.01.1959, Blaðsíða 38
40 Excerpts in English. The Federation of Cattle Breeding Societies in Eyjafjörd- ur (S.N.E.) lias been in operation for 30 years and has run an insemination station for 14 years. Tlie results from this work during previous years are shown on the tables on page 5 and 7. Preparations for a bull progeny test station commenced in 1954. A selection of the first bulls was then made and a farm purchased for the purpose of carrying out the tests. On this farm the cultivation has progressed and additional buildings have been constructed. In the autumn of 1955 19 heifercalves, sired by each of the bulls Ægir and Völlur, were taken for rearing at the station. These heifers calved during the period 4/11/57 to 4/1/58. Owing to various reasons only 12 came into eacli group. Each heifer remained 10 months (304 d.) under tests (ref. main table I). Following conclusions can be drawn from these tests: 1. Unquestionably Ægir has considerably greater dairy characteristics than Völlur, and the difference comes close to 26—28%. On the other hand, as to milkfat the qualities are similar and good in both bulls (compare tables I and II). 2. Ægir’s daughters seem clearly to surpass their dams, both regarding yield and milkfat. The butterfat statistics indicate this difference to be near 32%. Völlur’s daughters do not secrete appreciably greater quantity of milk than their dams; the milkfat, however, is considerably better, and when the milkfat is taken into account the yield increase amounts to 13% in butterfat (compare table IV). 3. Finally, Ægir’s daughters appear to surpass, on an average, heifers of the same age in their rural district, both concerning yield and milkfat. Based on butterfat production this variation is close to 11%. Völlur’s daughters, however, fall short of reaching the milk production level of the otfters of tlie same age group. Even though the milkfat yield is
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Ársrit Ræktunarfélags Norðurlands

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