Uppeldi og menntun - 01.07.2011, Side 30

Uppeldi og menntun - 01.07.2011, Side 30
30 um höfunda Guðbjörg Pálsdóttir (gudbj@hi.is) er lektor við Menntavísindasvið Háskóla Íslands. Hún hefur B.Ed.- og M.Ed.-gráður frá Kennaraháskóla Íslands og hefur sérhæft sig á sviði stærðfræðimenntunar. Helstu rannsóknarsvið eru kennaramenntun, stærðfræði- nám ungra barna, viðhorf og stærðfræðinámsefni. Guðbjörg hefur unnið þróunarstörf á sviði stærðfræðikennslu með ýmsum skólum. Ólöf Björg Steinþórsdóttir (olly.steintho@uni.edu) er lektor við Universtity of Northern Iowa. Hún hefur B.Ed.-gráðu frá Kennaraháskóla Íslands og M.S.- og Ph.D.-gráður frá University of Wisconsin í Madison. Helstu rannsóknarsvið eru stærðfræðinám ungra barna, hlutfallaskilningur barna, stæðfræðinám og kynjamunur og þróun kennara. Ólöf hefur unnið þróunarstarf byggt upp á kenningunni stærðfræðikennsla byggð á skilningi barna í ýmsum skólum hérlendis og í Bandaríkjunum. Young peoples’ voices on mathematical learning abstraCt When it comes to mathematical learning, it is important for teachers (and others) to listen to students to gain insight into their ideas of mathematics and mathematics learning. Since the 1970s, significant interest has been taken in the study of students’ beliefs and ideas, based on the idea that beliefs influence how people understand themselves and their surroundings, how they live their lives, and how they learn. Despite this large body of research, the literature is rather unclear when it comes to the definition of beliefs, attitudes, affects, and emotions. The main view is that on the basis of ideas regarding a specific issue or topic, every individual develops beliefs which evolve from simple perceptions, experience, ideas, and expectations. Beliefs are built up from many factors and their interactions are complicated. Pupils develop their beliefs and persuasions in interaction with their surroundings and they also have an impact on their surroundings. Mathematical ideas and beliefs act as a filter that affects all their thoughts and actions concerning mathematics. Prior experience of mathematics and the learning of mathematics influence both beliefs towards learn- ing and the use of mathematics. Societal mathematical beliefs also influence pupils’ convictions. Additional factors influence the mathematical behavior of students. A network of experiences from people in one’s surroundings has an impact on an indi- vidual’s beliefs and how or if they try to learn mathematics. In addition to cognitive factors, beliefs towards subjects and learning are the basis of learning. Beliefs are related to factors such as motivation, self-confidence, and a positive frame of mind. These factors not only support learning, they are part of it. This study investigates students’ conceptions about mathematics and mathematics learning. raddir Ungs fólks Um stærðfræðinám
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Uppeldi og menntun

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