

Læknablaðið - 15.01.2005, Side 48

Læknablaðið - 15.01.2005, Side 48
1 945-1954 / MAGA- OG SKEIFUGARNARSÁR Helstu heimildir Heilbrigöisskýrslur 1902-1945. Mannfjöldaskýrslur 1911-1940. Skýrslur Landspítalans 1930-1945. Jónas Sveinsson: Perforatio ventriculi ete Zbl.; f. Chir, nr. 23,1933. Ólafur Ó. Lárusson: Sprungin maga- og skeifugarnarsár. Lbl. 22. árg. 1936. Bartel Bager: Beitrag zur Kenntnis iiber Vorkommen, Klinik und Behandlung von perforierten Magen und zwölffinger-darmgesc- híiren etc. Stockholm 1929. Henry L Bockhus: Gastro-Enterology Vol. I. S. 516. Brun G og Landelius E.: La resection radiente dans la maladie ulc- ereuse. chr. J. internat. de chirurg. Jan.-Feb. 1947. Leuer C. A.: Acut Perforation of Stomach and Small bowell ulcerat- ion etc. Surgery. March 1949, s. 404. Finsterer H.: Gastric and Duodenal Uicers and their Complications J. internat. College of Surgeons. Sept.-Okt. 1949, s. 599. Vinck A. Hedley: Conservativ Treatment of acut perforated peptic Ulcer. Britt. med. Journ. Dec. 1946 Sam F. Seeley o.fi.: Nonoperativ Treatment of perforated Duodenal Ulcer. Ref. i Aurer. J. of Digestive Diseases Sept. 1949, S. 341 Hall W. W.: A Case of Perforating Gastric Ulcer, Perionitis, Reco- very Ref. of Shipley og Walker í Amer. J. of Surgery March 1949, s. 329. English summary The St. Josephs Hospital in Reykjavík opened on the 1st of Sept. 1902. Until 1930 it was the main hospital of South lceland. During the first 21 year period or until October 22nd 1923, not a single case of perforated peptic uncer seems to have been diagnosed nor treated in this hospi- tal nor in any other hospital in the country. Neither is there any death from perforated pept. ulcer reported in the public health register of this period with only one exception in the year 1912. During the following 25 year period (1923-1948) 27 cases of an acute perforation and 8 cases of a subacute perforations (perf. larvata) of peptic ulcerations were admitted to and operated on in the St. Josephs Hospital and further 8 cases were given surgical treatment (reop- eration) for the sequelæ of an acute perforations that primarily had been operated on in other hospitals. There is thus a total of 42 cases as one of them is counted twice (in group 1 and 3). - In the first group there were two women, in the second group one woman and in the third group none. -The relation between the sexes thus being 39:3 for all three groups. Ulcers of the duodenum and pylorus were prevalent in all 3 groups (being 35 cases against 7 gastric ulcers). Two cases had perforated twice and 3 had perforated in the hospital. The treatment was surgical in all cases. - A simple closure of the ulcerperforation was made in 26 cases of the first group, but in one case a costal resection was done and no laparotomy. The immediate operative fatalities amongst those who underwent a laparotomy were 2 i. e. 7, 8 percent (or 7, 4 percent amongst all 27 cases). Eleven of the remaining 25 cases had to be reoperat- ed on later because of the same disease or its compl- ications (with one immediate fatality). Two more of them are dead, one from cancer of the stomach 5 years later (39 years old) and the other from a recurrent intestinal obstruction, the others (9) are still alive (1949) and are enjoying good health. Of the 14 not operated, 9 had a good or a fairly good result from the primary operation, 2 had a bad result and 2 have succumbed late on, one fram apoplexia, the ot- her from an accident. - On couldn't be traced (foreigner). In the 2nd and 3rd group a G. E. anast. was done en 12 cases, an excision of the ulcer and G. E. anast., a gastrectomy and an exploratory laparatomy in one case each. In 14 cases the result has been good, bad in one case, they are all alive, with one exception, who died from cancer of the stomach five years later, at the age of 28. Approximately some 100 cases of an acute perforat- ion of peptic ulceration are known to have had surgical treatment in all the hospitals of lceland1)during this 25 year period (1923-1948). The immediate operative mortality as far as the author could trace amongst 87 of the cases does not seem to exceed 13 percent. 1) The population of the country had increased from about 100.000 to 138 thou- sand during this period. 48 Læknablaðið 2005/91
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