Læknablaðið - 15.01.2005, Side 56
semi ísótópastofu Landspítalans hófst undir hans
Ég þakka yfirlæknum á III. deild Landspítalans
og Borgarspítalans fyrir að leyfa aðgang að öllum
gögnum um sjúklingana. Guðjóni Lárussyni þakka
ég aðstoð og upplýsingar, sem hann veitti við gagn-
asöfnunina; enn fremur Theodóri Skúlasyni yfirlækni
fyrir margar ábendingar og áhuga á verkinu. Davíð
Davíðssyni próf. þakka ég margs konar ábendingar,
tillögur og gagnrýni, bæði varðandi vinnuna sjálfa og
undirbúning handritsins. Öll vinnan hefur verið unn-
in í nánu samstarfi við hann. Síðast en ekki sízt, vil ég
þakka öllum sjálfboðaliðunum, sem gengu fúslega til
1. Harper, H.A. (1961); Review of Physiological Chemistry, 329.
bls. Lange, Los Altos.
2. Zieve, L., Vogel, L., Schulz, A. (1955): Clin. Res. Proc. 3,120.
3. Bluhm, M.M. & Gudmundsson, Th. V. (1963): Scot. Med. J., 8,
4. Sigurjónsson, J. (1940): Studies on the Human Thyroid in Ice-
land (thesis), 113. bls.
5. Magalotti, M. F., Hummon, I. F., Hierscbiel, E. (1959): Am. J.
Roentgenol., 81,47.
6. Werner, S. C., Quimby, E. H. & Smith, C. (1949): J. Clin. End-
ocrin., 9,342.
7. Goodwin, J. F., MacGregor, A. G., Miller, H. & Wayne, E.J.
(1951): Quart. J. Med., 20,353.
8. Trotter, W. R. (1962): Diseases of the Thyroid, 17-19., 121., 166
og 167. bls. Blackwell, Oxford.
9. Stanbury, J. B., (1963): Cecil & Loeb, A. Textbook of Medicine,
1369. bls. Saunders.
10. Wayne, E. J., Koutras, D. A. & Alexander, W.d. (1964): Clinical
Aspects of Iodine Metabolism, 211. bls. Blackwell, Oxford.
11. Sikver, S. (1962): Radioactive Isotopes in Medicine and Biology
(Medicine), 61.-62. bls, Lea & Febiger.
12. Thorén, A. (1960): Nordisk Medicin, 48,1505.
English summary
A brief description of human iodine metabolism is given.
The results of 4hr, 24h,and 48h' thyroid 1-131 uptake and
48h' PBI-131 measurements in 88 (28 males, 60 females)
euthyroid volunteers are presented (Table I, fig. 2 and 3).
The uptake in lcelandic euthyroids is ca. 50% lower than
in euthyroids in Great Britain and U.S.A. (Table II).
A 4h,uptake > 21 % of dose is the best criterion
for hyperthyrodism, but a 48hr uptake < 5% the best
criterion for hypothyroidism. 48h' PBI-131 is of no aid in
diagnosis of hypothyroidism, but of some value in the
diagnosis of hyperthyroidism (> 0.2% dose/1 plasma).
Clinical assessment of 96 patients (10 hypothyr. 49
euthyroid. 37 hyperthyr.) is compared with the assess-
ment based on 1-131 studies (tabl. III & IV, fig. 4,5 and 7).
The results of TSH stimulation test on 1 clin. Euthyroid
with low uptake and 7 hypothyroids (6 primary, 1 sec-
ondary) are presented (fig. 6).
BMR results (normal = 15%) in 56 of these patients
are compared with clinical assessment (table V).
No correlation between 1-131 uptake and BMR was
found in euor hypothyroid, but some correlation was
found in hyperthyroids (r = + 0.53).
56 Læknablaðið 2005/91