

Læknablaðið - 15.01.2005, Side 66

Læknablaðið - 15.01.2005, Side 66
1 965-1 974 / SVÆSINN HAÞRYSTINGUR 3. Bonnevie O, Juhl E, Andersen B, Winkel P. Overlevelsesmodell- er i klinisk forskning. Ugeskr Læger 1971; 133:1859-64. 4. Breckenridge A, Dollery CT, Parry EHO. Prognosis of treated hypertension. Changes in life expectancy and causes of death between 1952 and 1961. Q J Med 1970; 39:411-29. 5. George CF, Breckenridge AM, Dollery CT. Value of routine el- ectrocardiography in hypertensive patients. Br Heart J 1972; 34: 618-22. 6. Hood B, Örndahl G, Björk S. Survival and mortality in malign- ant (grade IV) and grade III hypertension. Trends in consecut- ive, actively treated groups. Acta Med Scand 1970; 187:291-302. 7. Kannel WB, Schwartz MJ, McNamara PM. Blood pressure and risk of coronary heart disease: The Framingham study. Dis Chest 1969; 56: 43-52. 8. Keith NM, Wagener HP, Barker NW. Some different types of essential hypertension: Their course and pognosis. Am J Med Sci 1939,197: 332. 9. Sveinsson K. Augneinkenni við háþrýsting. Læknablaðið 1945; 30:33-41. 10. Leishman AW. Hypertension: treated and untreated: a study of 400 cases. BMJ 1959; 15:1361-8. 11. Sigfússon N. Faraldsfræði háþrýstings (óbirt gögn úr hóprann- sókn Hjartaverndar). 12. Schottstaedt MF, Sokolow M. The natural history and course of hypertension with papilledema (malignant hypertension). Am HeartJ 1953; 43: 331-62. 13. Smirk FH. The prognosis of untreated and of treated hypertens- ion and advantages of early treatment. Am Heart J 1972; 83:825- 40. 14. Sokolow M, Lyon TP. The ventricular complex in Ieft venricular hypertrophy as obtained by unipolar precordial and limb leads. Am Heart J 1949; 37:161. English summary Severe hypertension (grade III and grade IV) A study on the clinical course in 117 patients in Landspítalinn Medical Department 1957-1971 The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence, complications, survival time and causes of death of patients with severe hypertension (S.H.) (grade III and grade IV) who were admitted to Landspítalinn (The Uni- versity Hospital in Reykjavík med. Depart.) during the years 1957-1971. During this period 117 patients were found to have S.H. according to the grading of Keith and Wagener (20 patients with grade IV end 97 with grade III). It was found that relatively fewer patients with S.H. were admitted during the last 5 year period (1967-1971) compared to the two previous 5 year-period (1957- 1966). The cases were analysed according to sex and age distribution, blood urea, electrocardiographic changes, heart size (by x-ray) and blood pressure readings at the time of admission. In relation to the above mentioned factors the inc- idence and type of complications, survival time and causes of death were evaluated. The main causes of death were cerebrovascular accidents (26,6%), myocardial infarction (22,8%) and uremia (22,8%).The survival calculations were done by the decremental method aim taken from patient age less than 66 years. Approximately 50% of the men and 60% of the wom- en had a 5 year survival. Elevated blood urea values and signs of left ventricular hypertropphy in the electrocard- iogram at the time of diagnosis of S.H. had an unfavor- able influence on length of survival. 66 Læknablaðið 2005/91
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