

Læknablaðið - 15.01.2005, Side 100

Læknablaðið - 15.01.2005, Side 100
1 975-1 984 / BERKLAVEIKI English summary Because of signs of tuberculous lesions in old skeletons it can be stated with certainty that tuberculosis has occurred in the country shortly after the settlement. From that time and up to the seventeenth century, little or nothing is known about the occurrence of the disease. A few preserved descrip- tions of diseases and deaths indicate that tuberculosis has existed in the country before the advent of qualified physicians in 1760. On the basis of papers and reports from the first physicians and the first tuberculosis registers the opinions is set forth that the disease has been rare up to the latter part of the nineteenth century. During the two last decades of that century the disease began to spread more rapidly and increased steadily up to the turn of the century. Although reporting of the disease was started in the last decade of the nineteenth century the reporting was first ordered by law with the passage of the first tuberculosis Act in the year 1903. With this legisla- tion official measures for tuberculosis control work really started in the country. The first sanatorium was built in 1910. In 1921 the tuberculo- sis Act was revised and since then practically all the expenses for the hospitalization and treatment of tuberculous cases has been defrayed by the state. In the year 1935 organized tuberculosis control work was begun and a special physician appointed to direct it. From then on systematic surveys were made, partly in health centers i.e. tuberculosis clinics, which were established in the main towns, and partly by means of transportable X ray units in outlying rural areas of the country. In 1939 the tuberculosis Act was again revised with special reference to the surveys and the activities of the tuberculosis clinics. This act is still in force. Some items of it are described. The procedure of the surveys and the methods of examination are described. The great majority of subjects were tuberculin tested and all positive reactors X rayed. Furthermore, X ray examination was made in all cases where tuberculin examination had not been made or was incomplete. The negative reactors were not X rayed. The tuberculin tests were percutaneous, cutaneous and intracutaneous. The X ray examina- tion duringthe first years was performed by means of fluoroscopy and roentgenograms were made inall doubtful cases. In 1945 when the sur- vey of the capital city of Reykjavik was made and comprised a total of 43,595 persons photoroentgenograms were made. After 1948 only this method together with tuberculin testing was used in all the larger towns in the country. During the period 1940-1945 such surveys were carried out in 12 medical districts, or parts thereof and included 58,837 persons or 47 percent of the entire population. The attendance in these surveys ranged from 89.3 percent to 100 percent of those considered able to attend. In the capital city, Reykjavik, the attendance was 99.32 percent. The course and prevalence of tuberculosis in lceland from 1911 to 1970 are traced on the basis of tuberculosis reporting registers, mortality records which were ordered by law in 1911, tuberculin surveys and post mortem examinations. The deficiences of these sources are pointed out. Since 1939 the morbidity rates are accurate. The number of reported cases of tuberculosis increases steadily up to the year 1935, when 1.6 percent of the population is reported to have active tubercu- losis at the end of that year. Thereafter it begins to decline gradually the first years but abruptly in 1939, then without doubt because of the revi- sion of the tuberculosis legislation and more exact reporting regulations. After that year the fall is almost constant with rather small fluctuations as regards new cases, relapses and total number of reported cases remaining on register at the end of each year. In 1950 the new cases are down to 1.6 per thousand and at the end of the year the rate for those remaining on register is 6.9 per thousand. In the year 1954 there is a noteworthy drop both in new cases and the total number reported, doubtless because of the new specific medication which began in 1952. In 1960 the new cases are down to 0.4, relapses 0.2 and the rate for those remaining on register at the end of the year 2.4 per thousand. And in 1970 the rate for the same categories are: new 0.2, relapses 0.06, and remaining at the end of the year 0.5 per thousand. At the beginning of the period, when registration of deaths was initiated, tuberculosis mortality was found to be about 150 per 100,000 population. During the next two decades it increases, irregularly but persistently, to reach a peak of 217 in 1925. It remained high for the next seven years, dropped suddenly to 154 in 1933, and then, apart from a slight temporary increase during the years of the second world war, continued to fall rapidly reaching 20 per 100,000 population in 1950. In the period from 1930-50 the tuberculous death rate thus dropped a little over 90 percent. In the year 1952, when specific tuberculosis medical treatment was initiated (streptomycin, isoniazid and PAS) the death rate dropped to 14 per 100,000 population and the next year further down to 9 and since 1956 it never exceeded 5 per 100,000. From the year 1962 the tubercu- losis mortality has never been over 2 per 100,000 population. The mortality rates have been broken down to reveal the role of age and sex specific death rates over some selected five year periods. Also the rates are shown according to different forms of the disease, pulmonary, meningeal and other forms. The highest proportionate mortality (60%) was observed in the 15-19 year age group between 1926 and 1930. From 1911 to 1930 tuberculous meningitis caused a remarkably high number of deaths, fluctuating between 20 and 50 per 100,000 population. Since 1956 not a single death from this form of the disease has occurred. Up to that year the highest meningitis death-rate consistently occurred in infancy and early childhood. Sex-specific tuberculosis death rates indicate that in every age- group the disease is more dangerous to women. Between 1941 and 1945, when the combined mortality-rate began to drop sharply, it was the rate for the males, which was first affected. Due to the very steep decline in tuberculosis mortality especially from 1952 tuberculosis mortality figures can no longer be considered the right criterion for the spread and course of the disease. The infection 100 Læknablaðið 2005/91
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