Gripla - 20.12.2013, Qupperneq 24
dicuil, Irish monk, eighth century, De grammatica, line 17: Prisci- canit pueris
haec -ani cuncta libellus ‘the book of Prisci- recited to the boys -anus all
these things’ (i.e., Priscianus).106
Alcuin (735–804), northumbrian scholar and Abbot of tours, Carmen
XXXII, line 3: Te cupiens apel- peregrinis -lare camenis ‘desiring to ad- in
foreign -dress you poems’ (‘apellare’).107
Alcuin, Epitaphium [Ælberhti], line 1: Pontificalis apex, meritis archi- que -sac-
erdos ‘Pinnacle of priesthood, for his merits arch- and -bishop’.108 Here the
enclitic que would normally be attached to meritis.
Peter the Grammarian, also known as Peter of Pisa (744–799), deacon,
Carmen XLI Versus Petri in laude regis, line 10: Hic domuit Lango- proper-
ans ad proelia -bardos ‘He subdued the Lango- as he rushed off to battles
-bardi’ (‘Langobardos’).109
Anonymous early ninth-century titulus: Gloria magnificus de Lango- max-
ime -bardis ‘Glory, the noble [Grimoaldus] of the Lango- exceedingly
theodulf, Carmen XLIII Ad Gislam, line 29: Suave- que, Gisla, tuo feliciter
utere -rico ‘And suava- Gisla, happily enjoy your -ricus’ (i.e., her husband
Bernowinus, early ninth century, Carmen XXXII, line 10: Ianu- decimo
mi gravit -arii Dida Kalendas ‘of janu- on the tenth migrated -ary dida
kalends’ (i.e., on the tenth day before the kalends of january).112
Hibernicus exul (unidentified Irish exile-poet), epitaph to Charlemagne
dated 814, line 9: Febro- migravit quinto -arii ex orbe kalendis ‘of febru-
migrated on the fifth -ary kalends from the world’ (i.e., on the fifth day
before the kalends of february).113
ermoldus nigellus, In honorem Hlodowici IV, 13: Nort- quoque Francisco
106 Poetae Latini Aevi Carolini, 2:667.
107 Poetae Latini Aevi Carolini, 1:249; Amory, ‘tmesis’, 47. Cf. Godman, Poetry, 122.
translations of this and the following examples are mine and are designed to highlight the
108 Poetae Latini Aevi Carolini, 1:206.
109 Poetae Latini Aevi Carolini, 1:74; Amory, ‘tmesis’, 47.
110 Poetae Latini Aevi Carolini, 1:430.
111 Poetae Latini Aevi Carolini, 1:541.
112 Poetae Latini Aevi Carolini, 1:425.
113 Poetae Latini Aevi Carolini, 1:408.