Gripla - 20.12.2013, Qupperneq 26
Angelomus, deacon, ninth century, Angelomus in iv libros regum, line 36:
‘Ange- deus -lomi,’ dic, ‘miserere tui’ ‘“Ange- God -lomus,” say, may have
mercy on you’ (i.e., ‘Angelomus, may God have mercy on you’).123
Anonymous, ninth century, titulus added to a book, line 1: Cassio- libripotens
titulaverat ordine -dorus ‘Cassio- able in authorship had written tituli in
order -dorus’.124
johannes scottus (ca. 815–877), theologian, Carmen VIII iii, line 19: Hic
theo- fert palmam cunctis perpulchra -logia ‘Here theo- most fair bears the
palm over all things -logy’.125
sedulius scottus (flourished 840–860), teacher, Carmina II xxxvi, line 3:
Rot- bone, sint nobis per te solacia -berte ‘Rot- may there be consolations
for us through you, good -bertus’.126
Anonymous Irish monk, perhaps contemporary with sedulius scottus,
Carmen III, line 32: Clausis marga- suis candida -rita thoris ‘white pearls
in her enclosed cells’.127
ermentarius, latter half of ninth century, titulus added to a book, line 12:
Ermen- enim vester -tarius ista cupit ‘ermen- because your -tarius wishes
these things’.128
Heiricus (841–876), Benedictine theologian, Vita S. Germani V, line 277:
Dicentes Medio- facti de nomine -lanum, / Quod, cum prima novis struerent
fundamina muris, / Lanea sus media perhibetur parte reperta ‘saying Mi-
from the fame of the event -lan that when they laid the first footings for
new walls a woolly sow is said to have been found beneath the middle
erchanberhtus, latter half of ninth century, Versus Ercanberhti, line 4: Ercan-
qui hunc scriptor -berhtus sudore peregi ‘I, ercan- who as writer this -berhtus
completed with sweat’.130
123 Poetae Latini Aevi Carolini, 2:677.
124 Poetae Latini Aevi Carolini: Supplementa, vol. 4.3, ed. karl strecker, Monumenta Ger-
maniae Historica: Poetae, vol. 4 (Berlin, 1923), 1064.
125 Poetae Latini Aevi Carolini, vol. 3, ed. Ludwig traube, Monumenta Germaniae Historica:
Poetae, vol. 3 (Berlin 1896), 550.
126 Poetae Latini Aevi Carolini, 3:201.
127 Poetae Latini Aevi Carolini, 4.3:1126.
128 Poetae Latini Aevi Carolini, 4.3:1065.
129 Poetae Latini Aevi Carolini, 3:495.
130 Poetae Latini Aevi Carolini, 4.3:1062.