Gripla - 20.12.2013, Page 54
norse but have left the Latin unaltered (with the exception of expanding
abbreviations) in order to give an accurate picture of the Latinity of the
scribe and his exemplar(s). Punctuation and capitalization are my own.
old norse text is in Roman type, Latin quotations in italics. Hallgrímur’s
emendations are compared with the manuscript readings in the footnotes
(with the original orthography preserved), and his restorations of illegible
letters appear in angle brackets. My own references and emendations are
given in parentheses. ellipses in the citations of item 1 replace passages that
are either difficult to decipher due to loss of text or that have no obvious
connection to the Latin. square brackets enclose illegible letters or those
lost to manuscript damage; I restore these letters in some places where the
reading can be reconstructed with confidence, either from the structure of
the sentence or through comparison with the source.
Prima alas angeli [******] fimm
e<r>u raðir fjaðranna í væng[******]31
rǫðin eða fjǫðrin þessa vængs er
v[eritas *], at seg<ja> í j<á>tningunni
sem hann kann sannast… (fol. 2r, ll.
Secunda penna integritas, id est heil-
leikr, þat er at h[on] sé heil ok óskerð
í alla staði… (fol. 2r, ll. 13–14)
Tertia penna firmitas, id est styrk-
leikr, því at styrk á at vera játningin
ok efanarlaus, ok ef svá er, þá takask
tíu spellahlutir ór hugskotum: cor
sim[**]ns, id est óframi, ótti, fyrirlitn-
ing prestsins, órvilnan, ofvilnan,
†afvizens sanna.†32 óvizka, gleym-
31 Hallgrímur Ámundason conjectures “fyrsta,” almost certainly correctly.
32 I cannot interpret these words with any confidence. Presuming an exact correspondence
to De sex alis cherubim, they should translate Latin “perversitas,” but I can make no sense
of the phrase in this way. the words could perhaps be added to the previous item in the
Prima ala est confessio…. Hujus alæ
penna prima est veritas, quæ om-
nem excludit simulationem; vera
namque non ficta, non simulata
debet esse confessio. (PL 210, cols.
secunda penna, integritas est, quæ
decurtationem excludit, et divis io -
nem. Integra enim debet esse con-
fessio, non decurtata, non divisa.
(PL 210, col. 273B)
tertia penna est firmitas, quia for-
tis et firma debet esse confessio.
Hæc firmitas, decem quæ confes-
sionem impediunt, expellit. Quæ
sunt illa? Pudor, timor, contemptus
pres byteri, desperatio, præsump-
tio, perversitas, ignorantia, obli-