Gripla - 20.12.2013, Page 55
ing, na<u>ðsyn—ok má hon enn33
metask til sakvarna ef mikil kann
verða. (fol. 2v, ll. 6–12)
Quarta penna humilitas, id est lítil-
læti. Lítillæti skal fylgja skriptagang
fyrst í brjóstinu þess er sín mein
vill játa ok bœta, svá í tungunni ok
orðunum, svá ok í líkamanum ok
látœðinu. (fol. 2v, ll. 12–16)
Quinta penna, id est simplicitas, id
est at verja eigi sakar fyrir sik eða
minnka þær umfram rétt. nú vill sjá
væ<n>gr allr saman með sínum fimm
fjǫðrum, at skriptagangr manns sé
sannr, id est án gildingi… (fol. 2v, ll.
If the presence of the Latin names of the seraphic virtues in the old norse
text is strong evidence of a relationship, the nearly exact correspondences
between the “tíu spellahlutir” and the “decem quæ confessionem impedi-
unt” from the treatise provide conclusive proof.34 still, the norse text is
list to produce “ofvilnan af vitsins sanna” (“overconfidence/presumption in the [?] of one’s
intelligence”), but “sanna” remains problematic. Alternatively, Hallgrímur has suggested,
via personal correspondence, that one might instead attach the words to the list’s next item,
giving “afvitsins sanna óvizka” (“the unwiseness of not knowing”), although this would
presume both the loss of a term translating “perversitas” and the existence of a neuter noun
“afvit,” apparently unattested elsewhere.
33 for “enn” perhaps read “ein,” adapting Latin “sola.”
34 “óframi” = “pudor”; “ótti” = “timor”; “fyrirlitning prestsins” = “contemptus presbyteri”;
“órvilnan” = “desperatio”; “ofvilnan” = “præsumptio”; “óvizka” = “ignorantia”; “gleym-
ing” = “oblivio”; “na<u>ðsyn” = “necessitas”. the Latin “negligentia” was either omitted by
the Icelandic author or has dropped out of the old norse text through a scribal error. on
related lists of this sort, see Millett, “Ancrene Wisse”; Bella Millett, “the Pastoral Context
of the trinity and Lambeth Homilies,” in Essays in Manuscript Geography: Vernacular
Manuscripts of the English West Midlands from the Conquest to the Sixteenth Century, ed.
Wendy scase, Medieval texts and Cultures of northern europe, vol. 10 (turnhout:
Brepols, 2007), 48–50.
tWeLftH-CentuRy souRCes foR oLd noRse HoMILIes
vio, negligentia et necessitas, quæ
sola excusabilis est. (PL 210, cols.
Quarta penna est humilitas, quæ
typum superbiæ excludit. Mens
humilis, lingua humilis, vultus
humilis, debet esse confitentis. (PL
210, col. 274B
Quinta penna est simplicitas. Hæc
propriam infirmitatem, propriam
ignorantiam, propriam accusat mali-
tiam, nihil defendens, nihil excusans,
nihil attenuans. Vera igitur, integra,
firma, humilis et simplex debet esse
confessio. Vera, sine simulatione.…
Hæc est prima ala cum pennis suis.
(PL 210, cols. 274B–274C)