Gripla - 20.12.2013, Page 56
far from a slavish translation of De sex alis cherubim, and it significantly
includes some Latin phrases that are absent from its source.35 It is, there-
fore, possible that the author of the old norse piece was working from
some intermediate text which contained the Latin words not accounted
for in the original treatise, although it is just as likely that he added them
himself, since he must have had a firm grasp of Latin to adapt his source
in the first place.
the following pages of AM 655 XXVII 4to (now fol. 1r–1v) are, as I
mentioned above, badly damaged. Any correspondences with De sex alis
cherubim are consequently harder to identify. the following fragmentary
excerpts nonetheless prove that the author of the norse text continued to
follow the same Latin source:
Secunda ala satis… (fol. 1r, l. 10)
…[prima p]enna aflát synda (fol. 1r,
l. 11)
…[secund]a36 penna un[***] (fol. 1r,
l. 15)
…[terti]a37 penna carnis maceracio, id
est meinlæt[i]… (fol. 1r, l. 19 – fol.
1v, l. 1)
Quarta penna elemos<y>… (fol. 1v,
l. 3)
35 note especially the incipit, “<s>eraphim dicitur alas senas habere.” Hallgrímur Ámundason
(“útgáfa,” 1) argues that “cor sim[**]ns” is a garbled form of “cor timens,” which is also un-
paralleled in Migne’s text of De sex alis cherubim. the first characters may perhaps be “con-”
instead. I admit that I am unable to make much sense of the manuscript here regardless of
how the third letter is read, but if the word does begin with “con-” we might understand
“confitentis” or “confitentium.”
36 only the “ia” of the presumed “iia” is visible.
37 Hallgrímur partially restores to “<ia>.”
De Satisfactione. Ala secunda. satis-
factio est, injunctæ pœnitentiæ ex-
pletiva exsecutio, vel, peccatorum
condigna correptio et correctio. (PL
210, col. 275d)
Prima penna hujus alæ est pecca-
ti abrenuntiatio … (PL 210, col.
secunda penna est lacrymarum ef-
fusio. (PL 210, col. 276d)
tertia penna est carnis maceratio.
(PL 210, col. 276d)
Quarta penna est eleemosynarum
largitio. (PL 210, col. 276d)