Gripla - 20.12.2013, Side 87
If the immediate source of the two Icelandic exempla is odo of Cheriton’s
Parabolae, it would have to be the expanded version of the work men-
tioned by Peter jorgensen.
AM 629 4to
AM 630 4to
AM 652 4to
Bibliotheca hagiographica latina antiquae et mediae aetatis. subsidia hagiographica.
Vol. 6. Brussels: Société des Bollandistes, 1898−1901.
Danske Folkebøger fra 16. og 17. Århundrede, edited by jens Peter jacobsen, jørgen
Olrik, and Robert Paulli. 14 vols. Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 1915−36.
Der grosse Seelentrost: Ein niederdeutsches Erbauungsbuch des vierzehnten Jahrhunderts,
edited by Margarete schmitt. niederdeutsche studien. Vol. 5. Cologne: Böhlau
Verlag, 1959.
Mattheus saga postula, edited by ólafur Halldórsson. stofnun Árna Magnússonar á
íslandi, Rit. Vol. 41. Reykjavík: stofnun Árna Magnússonar á íslandi, 1994.
Postola sögur: Legendariske fortællinger om apostlernes liv deres kamp for kristendom-
mens udbredelse samt deres martyrdød, edited by C.R. unger. oslo: Bentzen,
Robert of Brunne’s “Handlyng Synne,” A. D. 1303, With Those Parts of the Anglo-
French Treatise on Which it Was Founded, William of Wadington’s “Manuel des
Pechiez,” edited by frederick j. furnivall. early english text society. original
Series. Vols. 119, 123. London: K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co, 1901−03.
Saint Gregory the Great: Dialogues. translated by odo john Zimmermann. the
fathers of the Church. Vol. 39. new york: fathers of the Church, Inc., 1959.
Siælinna thrøst: Førsta delin aff the bokinne som kallas Siælinna thrøst, edited by
samuel Henning. 3 vols. samlingar utgivna av svenska fornskrift-sällskapet. 1st
Series. Vols. 209, 211, 217. Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1954−57.
Tvende Old-Engelske Digte med Oversættelser og Tillæg, edited by George stephens.
Copenhagen: schultz, 1853.