Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2011, Page 77

Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2011, Page 77
77 Hönnun skólabygginga í deiglu nýrra kennsluhátta them more likely to bring about profound change (Törnquist, 2005). This study on school buildings and physical learning environments has provided an overview of contemporary design evolving towards future needs. It remains to be seen how sustainable the changes apparent in recent design of new school buildings at the pri- mary and lower secondary level will be over time. Allyson Macdonald, Torfi Hjartarson og Þuríður Jóhannsdóttir (ritstjórar). (2005). Upp lýsinga- og samskiptatækni í starfi grunn- skóla: Af sjónarhóli skólastjórnenda og tölvu- umsjónarmanna. Reykjavík: Rann sóknar- stofnun Kennaraháskóla Ís lands. Amalía Björnsdóttir og Kristín Jónsdóttir. (2010). Starfshættir í grunnskólum: Fyrstu niðurstöður úr spurningakönnunum meðal starfsmanna skóla. Ráðstefnurit Netlu – Menntakvika 2010. Reykjavík: Menntavísindasvið Háskóla Íslands. Sótt 11. febrúar 2011 af http://netla.khi.is/ menntakvika2010/alm/001.pdf Anna Kristín Sigurðardóttir. (2007). Þróun einstaklingsmiðaðs náms í grunnskólum Reykjavíkur. Netla – Veftímarit um upp- eldi og menntun. Sótt 15. febrúar 2011 af http://netla.khi.is/greinar/2007/012/ index.htm Anna Kristín Sigurðardóttir og Torfi Hjartar- son. (2011). School buildings for the 21st century: Some features of new school buildings in Iceland. CEPS Journal, 1(2), 25–43. Borrelbach, S. (2009). The historical develop- ment if school buildings in Germany. R. Walden, (ritstjóri). Schools for the future: Design Proposals from Architectural Psycho- logy (bls. 45–74). Cambridge: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers. Copa, G.H. og Pease, V.H. (1992). A new vi- sion for the comprehensive high school: Prep- aring students for a changing world. St. Paul, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Site, Department of Vocational and Technical Education. Department for Children, Schools and Fami- lies. (2008). Evaluation of building schools for the future – 2nd Annual report. England: Price Waterhouse Coopers. Dudek, M. (2000). Architecture of schools: The new learning environment. Oxford: Archi- tectural Press. Fasteignastofa Reykjavíkur og Fræðslumið- stöð Reykjavíkur. (2004). Húsnæði grunn- skóla Reykjavíkur: Greining á þörf fyrir bygg- ingar og endurbætur. Reykjavík: Fasteigna- stofa Reykjavíkur og Fræðslumiðstöð Reykjavíkur. Gerður G. Óskarsdóttir. (2001). Lýsing á und- irbúningsferli hönnunar frá hinu almenna til hins sérstæða: Design Down Process. Reykja- vík: Fræðslumiðstöð Reykjavíkur. Gislason, N. (2010). Architectural design and the learning environment: A framework for school design research. Learning Envi- ronment Research, 13(2), 127–145. Higgins, S., Hall, E., Wall, K., Woolner, P. og McCaughey, C. (2005). The impact of school environment: A literature review. Newcastle: The University of Newcastle. Jilk, B.A. (2005). Place making and change in learning environments. Í M. Dudek (rit- stjóri), Children’s spaces (bls. 30–43). Ox- ford: Architectural press. Heimildaskrá
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