Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2013, Qupperneq 43
„Þetta er á langtímaplaninu hjá okkur" Kennslufræðileg forysta skólastjóra við íslenska grunnskóla
ship were carried out in the participating
schools. Generally, principals provide
little direct supervision of teachers. Howe-
ver, they generally provide considerable
indirect supervision by creating the condi-
tions for professional development, group
development, curriculum development
and evaluation activities. Also, there seems
to be considerable collaboration among all
staff concerning teaching and learning.
The supervisory practices in these 20
schools in Iceland suggest that the collegi-
al supervisory emphasis is substantial in
most of the schools. However, the collegial
model emphasizes systematic collection
of data on what goes on in classrooms,
an important element which is largely
neglected in the Icelandic schools. The
paper concludes with a discussion about
the importance of using classroom data
for developmental practices. Therefore
the authors maintain that the principals
should rely more on classroom data and
be more proactive and progressive in pro-
viding instructional leadership.
Keywords: Instructional leadership,
role ofprincipal, supervisory practices.
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