Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2013, Síða 139

Tímarit um menntarannsóknir - 01.01.2013, Síða 139
Líðan, félagsleg tengsl og þátttaka nemenda í 5.-7. bekk grunnskóla I frístundastarfi stundamiðstöðva í að taka á móti börnum af erlendum uppruna og auðvelda þeim þátttöku er einnig mikilvæg, svo og sam- vinna þeirra við umsjónarkennara barna, sem gjarnan vita hvaða börn stunda frí- stundastarf og hver ekki. Umsjónarkenn- arar hafa einnig oft mikilvæga yfirsýn og skilning á því hvaða börn þurfa virkilega á frístundastarfi að halda og geta hvatt þau áfram. Samstarf frístundamiðstöðva við skóla er því nauðsynlegt í þessu samhengi. Abstract Well-being, social interaction and participation in leisure ac- tivities of students in grades 5 to 7 in primary schools: A comparison based on students' home languages The article discusses the main findings on the well-being, social interaction and par- ticipation of students in 5th through 7th grade in leisure activities. The research was conducted by the Centre for Social Research and Analysis, Reykjavík Uni- versity (Hrefna Pálsdóttir, Inga Dóra Sig- fúsdóttir, Jón Sigfússon and Álfgeir Logi Kristjánsson in 2011). All students in 5th to 7th grade in Iceland in February 2011 were invited to participate. The questionnaires were in Icelandic and Polish. The article presents a special analysis of data based on the criteria of language spo- ken in the home: 1) only Icelandic spoken at home, 2) Icelandic and another native or home Ianguage, 3) only another native or home language than Icelandic. The find- ings indicate that there are differences in responses among these three groups. The main conclusion is that children whose native or home language is not Icelan- dic are disadvantaged socially; they feel worse than their peers, they are more often teased and are excluded. They spend less time with peers and have fewer friends. Children who live in a home where there is another home language than Ice- landic participate less frequently in or- ganized leisure activities and exercise less even if they are participating in sports. Even though children are brought up in a home where both Icelandic and another native or home Ianguage are spoken, it affects their well-being, social interaction and participation in leisure activities. Numerous studies in recent years have revealed a weak social position of immi- grant children or children who speak a lan- guage other than the majority language in their communities (Brooker, 2002; Hernan- dez, 2004; Horst and Gitz-Johansen, 2010; Nieto, 2010; Ogbu, 2003; Valdés, 1996). The reasons could be many, including that the education system has not adapted well to the cultural and linguistic diversity of the students. Children lack knowledge about the differences between home and school 137
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